Chirac to face corruption charges

miércoles, marzo 14, 2007

Soem days ago I wrote about Chirac not presenting again to the next Presidential elections. Later I found very amusing that Civitatensis had classified the post about Chirac under "corruption". Today through The New Media Journal I get to this article in Telegraph: Chirac to face corruption charges.

When Jacques Chirac hands in the keys to the Elysée palace on May 16, he will also lose his presidential immunity and runs the risk of prosecution in at least four corruption cases.

Mr Chirac, 74, has been linked to a string of party funding and other scandals known as "les affaires," which date back to his time as mayor of Paris from 1977 to 1995. Scores of former associates have been convicted for their involvement.


Cuando Chirac entregue las llaves del Palacio del Elíseo el 16 de Mayo, también perderá su inmunidad presidencial y corre el riesgo de ser perseguido en al menos 4 casos de corrupción.

El sr. Chirac, 74 años, ha sido acusado en una red de financiación de su partido y otros escándalos, conocidos como "los negocios", que datan de cuando era alcalde de París desde 1977 a 1995. Bastantes de sus antiguos asociados han sido condenados por su implicación.

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