Target: little girls' school

sábado, mayo 05, 2007

Hmm, horrible and disgusting:

American soldiers discovered a girls school being built north of Baghdad had become an explosives-rigged "death trap," the U.S. military said Thursday.
The plot at the Huda Girls' school in Tarmiya was a "sophisticated and premeditated attempt to inflict massive casualties on our most innocent victims," military spokesman Maj. Gen. William Caldwell said.
The military suspects the plot was the work of al Qaeda, because of its nature and sophistication, Caldwell said in an interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer.
The plot was uncovered Saturday, when troopers in the Salaheddin province found detonating wire across the street from the school. They picked up the wire and followed its trail, which led to the school. Once inside, they found an explosive-filled propane tank buried beneath the floor. There were artillery shells built into the ceiling and floor, and another propane tank was found, the military said.
The wire was concealed with mortar and concrete, and the propane tanks had been covered with brick and hidden underneath the floor, according to a military statement. Soldiers were able to clear the building.
"It was truly just an incredibly ugly, dirty kind of vicious killing that would have gone on here," Caldwell said.

Just disgusting. And then I imagine the MSM titles: US Army operation turns out in bloody outcome: nearly 200 girls killed. Puagggghhh!!

You can see the video here. Disgusting, very disgusting. And Spanish MSM -to the extent of my knowledge- have said nothing about this...

Anyway, Barcepundit has written in Spanish about it.

UPDATE: Al-Maliki, Iraqi PM, has ties with Iranian Revolutionary Guards!! At least that is what the Egyptian Government mantains h/t Clarity and Resolve.


En español: ¡¡no lo he encontrado!! Si alguien tiene el link por favor, lo deje en comentarios. Así que lo traduzco:

Los soldados americanos descubrieron que un colegio para niñas en construcción al norte de Baghdad había sido transformado en una trampa llena de eplosivos, según los militares EEUU.
La conjura del colegio para niñas de Huda en Tarmiya, era un "sofisticado y premeditado intento de inflingir bajas masivas en nuestras víctimas más inocentes", dijo el portavoz militar General William Caldwell. Los militares sospechan que era un plan de Al-Qaeda, tanto por su naturaleza como por su sofisticación, añadió.
Todo fue descubierto cuando las tropas de la provincia de Salaheddin encontrarn cable detonante desde la calle hasta dentro del colegio.
Cogieron el cable y lo siguieron hasta el colegio. Ya dentro, encontraron un tanque lleno de propano enterrado en el suelo. Había varias piezas de artillería en el techo y en el suelo. Después fue encontrado otro tanque de propano. El cable había sido escondido con cemento y los tanques de propano habían sido cubiertos con ladrillos y escondidos debajo del suelo.
"Lo que se hubiera producido ahí era un increíble, horrendo y sucia manera de asesinato vicioso", añadió Caldwell.
Y los medios en España no han dicho NADA... Barcepundit sí lo ha tratado.

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