Atención a los comentarios que me ha dejado en el otro blog un tal "Old man" (bajad un poco):
Old man Said,
Dear Spanish Pundit, and lady vorzheva
its sorry to say that you can not bluf the people by posting this sort of picture, actually this picture was not from Burma, it was from southern thailand crisis, please don’t post those like that and don’t make the crisis to become more bigger and bigger, you must be in good faith and more towards the good attitute - Old man Said,
Don’t bluff the innocent poeple
- Old man Said,
To lady vorzheva and Spanish Pundit
If you want to behave like a journalist, you must know the rules and regulations of the journalist,
you want to show the picture like that , you must have the referal number, or authorization from the owner of the picture, otherwise you will be sued for the infamous and unethical conduct . please don’t underestimate the public - Old man Said,
Dear lady vorzheva,
that case was from southern thailand state, the monk was killed with multiple slashed to the neck from behind, and it was burnt on the right half of the chest that you can see the black color changes, and the right arm was detached from the right shoulder area, the white plaques on the chest were because of decomposition changes, and you can see the tag number, A 2036/48 , that number is not the number that usually used in Burma, please remember, the number used in Burma started with PR-xxxx/2006,2007, and the by looking to the another picture that in face down position, you can see the steel mortuary table, I believed that in Burma, hospital don’t have steel table, they are using porcelain / marbels table.
Así que yo estoy aumentando la crisis por postear sobre ella.
Como no soy una periodista no debería postear y mucho menos poner fotos, que puedo ser demandada. No sería la primera vez que me amenazan con esto. Por eso la he borrado y he dejado sólo el link a la foto original. Os aconsejo hacer lo mismo: no merece la pena que os demanden (u os cierren/suspendan la página) por la foto.
Pero lo mejor es que me dice que esas fotos ocurrieron en Tailandia, cuando el link a las fotos de y la noticia en ponen claramente MYANMAR. Para convencerme, sin darme un link, lo único que hace es describirme al monje (cualquier persona con estudios de medicina podría sacar por la foto lo que le hicieron al hombre), y luego dice:
A 2036/48 , that number is not the number that usually used in Burma, please remember, the number used in Burma started with PR-xxxx/2006,2007, and the by looking to the another picture that in face down position, you can see the steel mortuary table, I believed that in Burma, hospital don’t have steel table, they are using porcelain / marbels table
Pretende hacerme creer que no es Birmania él solito, diciendo que él no cree que esa mesa pueda existir en Tailandia porque es de hierro y que el número que tiene en el pecho no se usa normalmente en Birmania.
A Martha Colmenares le dijeron lo mismo.
Algunos se ponen muy nerviosos cuando se les destapan las vergüenzas....
I have answered this very “considerate” guy with the interests of Burmese Junta in a comment. He has menaced me with demanding/suing for posting the photo, but now it is deleted from the post.
No links to back his story, no nothing…
But he tells me what to post, he blames me of the crisis and wants me to modify the whole post, without providing a link. Of course, and I am “bluffing” innocent people.
I trust and Corriere della Sera more than you and they have reported that the photo was taken in MYANMAR, that is, BURMA.