The new trip of the UN special envoy to Burma- El nuevo viaje a Birmania de Ghambari

miércoles, noviembre 07, 2007

A reader sent me this fisking yesterday on condition of remaining anonymous. It's so good that I must blog it. Thanks Winking.

A UN special envoy kicked off a renewed push for political and economic reforms in military-ruled Burma on Sunday, amid deepening pessimism about the ruling junta's willingness to change, given its decision to expel the most senior UN official in the country.

The UN's incompetence knows no bounds, but because they're all stuck-up, overgrown petulent children who still have the silver spoon in their mouths, they can't admit defeat.  Therefore, what's the next best thing to do instead of giving in outright?  That's right! APPEASEMENT!  It worked out really well with Hitler, it should be just as useful with the junta.  "Deepening pessism" is a eufemism; all it means is, "try, try again," and hopefully the useless idiots of the izmierda will buy it.

As Ibrahim Gambari began his mission to foster talks between the generals and opposition forces, about 50 Buddhist monks were reported to have marched through the ruby mining town of Mogok – the second act of defiance by monks against the regime in several days. International internet access also remained cut off.

(No translation; this paragraph is to distract the "sheeple" reader.)

Mr Gambari, who arrived in the junta's remote new capital late on Saturday, on Sunday met Aung Gyi, a cabinet minister who recently held hour-long talks with Aung San Suu Kyi, the detained Nobel Prize-winning opposition leader.

Gambari's first visit was an utter failure, and to qualify it as anything less is irresponsible.  However, since the UN might as well be called "Saviour of the World" despite its more-than-numerous failures, Gambari has to be painted in a good light; ergo, he gets a gold star and a pat on the back for having the balls to have even met with the junta.  Oh yeah, he met that Burmese woman, too.

Mr Aung Gyi briefed Mr Gambari on his discussions with Ms Suu Kyi on a potential "framework for meaningful dialogue", the UN said in a statement, adding that Mr Gambari "expects that these initial steps will lead to early initiation of dialogue aimed at accelerating inclusive national reconciliation, the restoration of democracy and the full respect for human rights".

Gyi tells Gambari that they want to work with Kyi, knowing that Gambari's IQ is just barely higher than a radish, and that not only will he believe [Gyi], but also he will go back to the UN in Geneva, and then surely to the HQ in NYC, and report an another successful visit!

However, the UN envoy, who met Ms Suu Kyi twice on his last visit to Burma, has not yet met the detained democracy advocate to hear her perspective.

Oops! A little bit of the truth slipped out there.  Moving right along...

Mr Gambari's visit has also been overshadowed by a dispute over Charles Petrie, the UN humanitarian co-ordinator, who apparently infuriated the generals by describing September's mass anti-government protests as stemming from deep frustration at the daily struggle for survival, and deepening humanitarian problems.

Gambari cried himself to sleep last night because his visit has been overshadowed by yet another move by the dictators --his buddies-- in the junta, expelling Petrie from the country.  But why is he crying?  Two-fold: 1) now he isn't getting all the great press for the "wonderful" negotiations (or whatever they're called) he has had, and 2) he didn't think that murderous dictators --once again, his buddies-- could be so mean and expel someone who is part of the "Saviour of the World."

The junta – which has repeatedly characterised the protests as a CIA plot to unseat it from power – said on Friday it no longer wanted Mr Petrie, who has been in Burma since 2003, to serve there, although it gave no date for his departure. The junta's action has been interpreted by regime critics – and traditional friends such as Singapore – as a sign of its intransigence and unwillingness to acknowledge the severity of Burma's economic problems, and the hardships endured by its long-suffering population.

The junta, who is probably more than acquainted with Chavez, given their accusations of throwing blame on --shock!-- the CIA, let there true colors show yet again, and threw out the UN rep.  The only reason this barbaric act is making the headlines is, because just now have the mentally retarded folk who run the UN realized this. (The last sentence is that funny "truth thing" again, but I love the condescending, pejorative tone in which it's written. Psh, those regime critics... Unbelievable.)

Against this backdrop, many Burmese dissidents remain extremely sceptical about the junta's willingness to engage in substantive talks with Ms Suu Kyi. But Aung Naing Oo, a Thailand-based analyst, said the intense international spotlight on Burma, worsening economic conditions and mounting internal discontent would force the generals to talk.

Skepticism continues among Burmese dissidents because they are far smarter and far more perspicacious than the idiots who run the UN; they know the true nature of the dictatorship which has ruined their people and their country.  When the Burmese generals do eventually talk, whenever that is, you can be sure that the UN will be taking credit for that, and that the monks' struggle will be but a memory.


No lo traduzco porque perdería mucho el comentario al ser traducido.

Recientemente fue expulsado de Birmania el jefe de misión de la ONU, Petrie, por "incitar al diálogo con la oposición" (atención a la acusación: "incitar al diálogo con la oposición", eso sí que es un autor intelectual y lo demás son cuentos), probando una vez más la falta completa de voluntad política para resolver la crisis humanitaria. El enviado de la ONU, Ghambari, el de "me tomo el té con pastas con la Junta birmana", volvió a Birmania poco después para "hacer un segundo esfuerzo por reconciliar al régimen militar con la oposición pro-democrática". Todavía no sabe cuándo podrá reunirse con el líder birmano, que estará muy ocupado matando unos cuantos opositores. Tan difícil es la misión en Birmania que lo llaman la "tumba diplomática".

Las protestas de los monjes continúan. Las detenciones continúan, incluso a personas con problemas mentales. También continúan las amenazas a los activistas políticos, no vaya a ser que sigan protestando. Internet va y viene según quiere la Junta. Un policía a quien se ordenó disparar a los monjes, quiere retirarse, porque está tremendamente triste por lo que hizo. Un activista pro-democracia ha muerto por la paliza que le metieron durante una manifestación. Y los activistas por la democracia temen por los que huyen a Tailandia: viven allí sin status reconocido legalmente (en un limbo legal) y son objeto de explotación de todo tipo.

Cierren la ONU pero ya. ¿Por qué los palestinos tienen una agencia de refugiados sólo para ellos y estos ni siquiera tienen ayuda internacional? El victimismo nunca es bueno y unos se pasan y otros ni siquiera son considerados.

Hay que aplaudir, sin embargo, la decisión del Fondo de Pensiones Danés Mercado Laboral que ha retirado su apoyo a las inversiones de petróleo en Birmania.

 NOTE: Nearly all the links above are in English. They describe the situation of Burma to the day.