Jihad Watch: Shock horror: Aussie Muslim clerics on Saudi payroll:
"SIX Australian-based Muslim clerics who are leaders of the Islamic community in the country are on the payroll of the Saudi Government, receiving allowances of up to $2000 a month.
The Australian can reveal for the first time the identity of the clerics - some paid through the Saudi embassy in Canberra, others directly from Riyadh's Dawah (preaching) Office - who receive between 3500 and 7000 Saudi riyal ($1975) a month.
The payments to the six - who include former Howard government adviser Amin Hady and Melbourne Somali imam Isse Musse - are part of Saudi Arabia's multi-billion-dollar campaign to transform its hardline image in the West."
In fact, this is not the worst thing that has come from Saudi Arabia: you have just to see Undercover Mosque or consider the fact that UK corruption researchers were menaced with another 7/7 if they continued investigating Saudi businesses in Great Britain.
De modo que seis de los clérigos islámicos más importantes de Australia están en nómina de Arabia Saudí, como parte de una campaña para transformar la imagen dura del reino saudí en Occidente. Reciben 2000 dólares al mes... No creo que esto sorprenda a nadie, después de ver el reportaje Undercover Mosque o después de saber que Arabia Saudí le chantajeó al Reino Unido con "otro 7/J", si continuaban sus investigadores husmeando en la corrupción saudí.