Lo siento: se me ha jorobado la mano derecha y no podré postear los próximos días. Así que os dejo un vídeo "What I've Done" de Linking Park, tema principal de la banda sonora de la película Transformers. Ya sabéis, el bueno de Optimus Prime contra el malo maloso... de Megatrrrrrón...
Sorry: a very old sport injury in my right hand is aching again, so I wouldn't be able to post in a couple of days. So, I'm leaving you this video, What I've Done, by Linking Park, main theme from Transformers' BSO. You know, that good robot, Optimus Prime, against the super-bad one, Megatrrrrron...
A Price of Pain: Hostages Returned, Terrorists Released (Judean Rose)
“The nightmare is over.”
*Disclaimer: the views expressed here are solely those of the author,
weekly Judean Rose columnist Varda Meyers Epstein.*
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