Le Pen: "the 9/11, no more than an incident"

miércoles, febrero 21, 2007

The President of the National Front, Le Pen, has minimised 9/11 terrorist attacks in an interview which will be published on Wednesday,21st in "La Croix". When the journalist is surprised by the expression used, he replies:

the 3.000 dead in N.Y attacks is the number we see in a month in Iraq and much less than the bombings on Marseille or Dresde at the end of WWII".

He also said that Muslims are dangerous when they are in command and that Islam is a religion of conquer, while Christianity is not.

He has made today a call to all his supporters because he does not have enough signatures for presenting himself to the Presidency [here, in French, video from Le Monde].

Let's hope/pray that there are not sufficient...

Traducción: Le Pen considera que el 11-S fue un incidente, porque "mueren tantos en Iraq en un mes y porque muchos más murieron en los bombardeos de Dresde o Marsella al final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial". Añadió que los musulmanes sólo son peligrosos cuando mandan.

Su candidatura a la Presidencia tiene problemas: no le han dado suficientes firmas para presentarse a la Presidencia. Así que ha pedido las firmas en una rueda de prensa a sus seguidores.

Esperemos que no haya...

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