Atlas Shrugs reports that two Egyptian bloggers have been kidnapped by policemen. She quotes Egyptian blogger Sandmonkey who esteems that there is going to be a crack down on bloggers. That said the same day in which Kareem has been definitely condemned makes me shiver. The Court has also let some Islamist lawyers to ask him for compensations on the grounds of "damages to Islam".
On the other hand, Kareem has been honoured in London with a prize, which rewards people for fighting for freedom of expression h/t Sandmonkey. At the same Awards -five were given-, Chinese oppositor Cheng Guangcheng (photo below), called "the barefoot lawyer", was also honoured after been sentenced for four years in 2006 for denouncing the late abortions (as late as in the 8th months) and other practices used to ensure the one-child policy. Another proof that China is not changing at all...
But not only in Islamic countries there are problems with critics on Islamic matters. An Australian journalist, named Gavin King, has written an article in which he names a blogger, gives details about his life and tries to picture him as an hysteric anti-Muslim guy. After promising him he was going to keep his name secret. Sheik Yer'mami has been commenting at Jihad Watch for some time and also writes in his own blog.
Australian reporter Gavin King. I am not going to give my opinion..., because even if he is not in favour of Sheik's opinion, why pointing him as an objective? And after promising him he was not going to out him.
La sentencia de 4 años de cárcel a Kareem ha sido confirmada el mismo día en que 2 bloggers han sido secuestrados por la policía. También hoy le han dado un premio en Londres a Kareem por su labor en favor de la libertad de expresión.
Pero los bloggers no sólo están (estamos...) amenazados en los países islámicos. En Australia un periodista (el de la foto de arriba) ha dicho el nombre, el trabajo y otros datos personales de un blogger después de prometerle que no iba a sacarle del anonimato. Sheik Yermami, comentarista habitual de Jihad Watch y blogger, teme por su vida, porque la entrevista tenía por finalidad hablar sobre la campaña que él y otros habían iniciado para frenar la construcción de una mezquita.
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