Radical & Jailed Cleric Cries About His Deportation From the UK

domingo, abril 15, 2007

Gateway Pundit:

Abdullah El-Faisal, who called for the killing of Jews, Westerners, Hindus and the rest of the unbelievers, even with chemical weapons, now is demanding that he be allowed to stay in Great Britain when he is released from jail.

El-Faisal was the first Muslim cleric to be prosecuted in the British criminal courts over the contents of his radical preachings.

Now... Sugiero is reporting that this radical cleric who has called for exterminating Westerners is crying about his deportation when he is released from jail. He claims it is a human right's violation!

Continue reading: it's worth it.

Related posts: More hypocrites. "The common denominator shared by Abu Qatada, [2] currently under arrest in Britain, Osama Nasser, who was kidnapped in Rome, [3] and Omar Bakri, who fled from London, [4] is that all of them want to [live] in the West, rather than in their native Islamic countries".


Abdullah El-Faisal, defensor del asesinato de los Judíos, Occidentales e Hindús y todos los no creyentes en general, incluso con armas químicas, ahora pide que le dejen estar en Gran Bretaña cuando sea puesto en libertad.

El-Faisal fue el primer musulmán procesado en los tribunales penales británicos por el contenido de sus prédicas radicales.

Ahora ... Sugiero informa de que "está gritando para no ser deportado cuando sea puesto en libertad, porque es una violación de los Derechos Humanos" -de esos, en los que él no cree-.

Ya hablamos de Osama Nasser, Abu Qutada u Omar Bakri. Todos ellos han dicho que prefieren vivir en Occidente que en sus países islámicos de origen.

Ahora falta que se dén cuenta todos por qué...

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