Two terrorist commit suicide in Casablanca

sábado, abril 14, 2007

They were trying to flee from the police.

BBC NEWS | Middle East | New explosion rocks Casablanca

Two suicide bombers have set off their explosives in the centre of Casablanca, police in Morocco say. The police are quoted as saying the bombers killed themselves, and there are reports that a woman was injured. Saturday's blast comes days after three suicide bombers blew themselves up and a fourth was shot dead in the city.

The three were wanted in connection with a 11 March bombing at an internet cafe in Casablanca. Fears of violence There are unconfirmed reports that three people have been arrested following Saturday's suicide bombings in the city. One of the suspects was reportedly wearing an explosive belt Saturday's explosion happened in Boulevard Moulay Youssef.

A US cultural centre and US consulate are on the same street. An AFP report quoting security officials said one of the two bombers asked a policeman for access to the cultural centre when questioned further the pair blew themselves up.

Dos terroristas se suicidan en Casablanca para escapar de la policía -

Dos terroristas se suicidaron hoy al hacer estallar las bombas que llevaban adosadas a sus cuerpos cuando la policía les perseguía por el centro de Casablanca, informaron fuentes policiales marroquíes. En estas explosiones no ha habido víctimas mortales, según las fuentes, pero una transeúnte ha resultado herida, aunque su estado no reviste gravedad. Un tercer terrorista que huyó del lugar de los hechos, en el bulevar Mulay Yusef, de Casablanca, está siendo buscado por la policías. Los dos terroristas, dos hombres jóvenes, hicieron estallar las bombas tras señalar con el dedo al cielo, en un gesto que alude a Dios, relatataron varios testigos.

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