UN accuses Sudan over weapons

martes, abril 24, 2007

Sudan has used disguised aircraft to fly weapons into Darfur in violation of UN resolutions, the UN alleges.

The Sudanese government has been accused of violating a UN arms embargo by flying weapons into Darfur in breach of UN Security Council resolutions.

A UN report says Sudan painted aircraft white to make them look like UN planes.

Sudan's envoy to the UN, Abdel Mahmood Abdel Haleem, said the allegations were "a lie" and that military assets were simply being moved around the country.

The US and the UK will later begin talks with other Security Council members on a new resolution on Darfur.

Abdel Mahmood Abdel Haleem told the BBC: "According to the comprehensive peace agreement signed [after the civil war in the South] between the Sudan government and the SPLM, we have to move our military assets and aircraft and all assets from the South to other regions in the country".

Link to UN accuses Sudan over weapons

And, as a result, Bush threatens Sudan (with more sanctions):

President Bush warned Sudan's president on Wednesday that he has one last chance to stop violence in Darfur or else the United States will impose sanctions and consider other punitive options.

Bush said he has decided to give U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon more time to pursue diplomacy with Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir but made clear in a speech at the U.S. Holocaust Museum that his patience is limited.

"President Bashir should take the last chance by responding to the secretary general's efforts and to meet the just demands of the international community," Bush said.

Link to End Darfur violence or face sanctions, Bush tells Sudan

More here.

But do you think that this makes Bush look innocent of the genocide? NO:

A new full-page national advertising campaign from a prominent advocacy organization points a sharp finger at the Bush administration in efforts to end the ongoing genocide in Sudan's Darfur region.

The time for stalling has passed; the time for action has come," the ad reads in bold print, quoting Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in Sept. 27, 2006, remarks to the Africa Society of the National Summit on Africa. The ad from SaveDarfur.org notes that Rice's comments were seven months ago, and says: "It takes more than talk to stop a genocide."

The ad acknowledges that Sudan President Omar al-Bashir has broken promises, but then says Bush administration diplomacy "has not even slowed that genocide."

The ad calls for a ban on Sudanese oil imports, the implementation of a no-fly zone, full funding for the U.S. share of peacekeeping and humanitarian aid and assistance in the prosecution of the case before the International Criminal Court in The Hague.

Link to Advocacy Group Blames Bush For Not Stopping Genocide

The question to ask is: what has been done by Europe for example? Eeh, let me guess... NOTHING. I would like this type of ads to begin blaming Europe also -and mainly-, for not trying to stop it -and except Blair and lately Merkel, no one has said nothing about Darfur- and European MSM, who are very worried about harming Iran but do not report anything about Sudan.


Sudan ha usado aviones "disfrazados" para mover tropas y municiones hacia la frontera de Darfur. Este movimiento, que estaba prohibido por el acuerdo del alto al fuego suscrito con el apoyo de la ONU, ha sido, sin embargo, negado por el gobierno sudanés, diciendo que "sólo estamos moviendo tropas" (o sea, lo han reconocido). Según el enviado sudanés "tenemos que mover las fuerzas militares hacia otros lugares de Sudán". Pero, ¿teneis que hacerlo en aviones sudaneses pintados como si fueran de la ONU? Me da que no...

De modo que Bush ha amenazado con imponer sanciones más duras a Sudán con el apoyo de la ONU.

Pero al final todo sigue igual: ¿quién es el culpable del genocidio sudanés? ¿El Presidente sudanés Omar al-Bashid? No. ¿los Janjaweed? No, esos son unos pacíficos monjes cuyas armas se encuentran en el camino de la cabeza, tronco o extremidades de algún campesino muy poco pacífico...

El culpable es ... 1, 2, 3, responda otra vez... BUSH. La organización -izquierdista- SaveDarfur.org ha dicho que el culpable es Bush porque no ha hecho nada para detener el genocidio.

Curioso que estos, que son los mismos que luego vienen a Uropa y se deshacen con los uropeos de izquierdas ni siquiera critiquen al establishment europeo que no se ha pronunciado prácticamente nunca sobre la realidad de Darfur y, muchísimo menos ha denunciado lo que allí ha ocurrido y está ocurriendo.


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