Kamangir is retiring from blogging - Kamangir se retira de bloguear

martes, octubre 09, 2007

But for a good cause:

In the last couple of months, my most creative time has been spent here, and I don?t feel bad about that at all. However, the fact is, I am a student and a researcher and there are other things which I am very good at. I will leave the job of causing awareness about the horrible things which go on in Iran to those who can do it the best, because they hold a degree in politics for example, as opposed to my degrees which are all in engineering. Therefore, I will spend most of the time I used to spend here on having quality time with my lovely wife and on my research and on reading books about what I used to write about here.

Your posts and your insight on Iran will be really missed. But the family is the most important thing. Just write something occasionally, if you can.

Related news: Italian blogger Chris reminds me that it’s his second blog-aniversary these days. Congratulations! And looking forward to another two years of good blogging. :D


Kamangir se va de bloguear, porque quiere pasar más tiempo con su “adorable esposa” y quiere continuar con sus investigaciones así como con la lectura de los libros sobre lo que acostumbra(ba) a bloguear.

Se le echará mucho de menos, tanto por la frecuencia con que actualizaba su blog, como por su sentido común al denunciar al régimen iraní por los graves abusos a los Derechos Humanos que se dan en aquel país. Pero claro, como dije arriba es por una buena causa.Love StruckWinking

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