From Terrorism Awareness Project:
The purpose of this protest is as simple as it is crucial: to confront the two Big Lies of the political left: that George Bush created the war on terror and that Global Warming is a greater danger to Americans than the terrorist threat. Nothing could be more politically incorrect than to point this out. But nothing could be more important for American students to hear. In the face of the greatest danger Americans have ever confronted, the academic left has mobilized to create sympathy for the enemy and to fight anyone who rallies Americans to defend themselves. According to the academic left, anyone who links Islamic radicalism to the war on terror is an "Islamophobe." According to the academic left, the Islamo-fascists hate us not because we are tolerant and free, but because we are "oppressors."
Last news are that Ahmadinejad and the Saudis (wow, the Sunnis and the Shiites united for something) have plans to disrupt it:
We have just been informed that President Amadinejad, who himself enjoyed no disruption when he spoke at Columbia University has said he “supports” the disruption, by American students and faculty, of the handful of panels and lectures at Columbia University and at the more than one hundred other universities where Islamo-Fascist Awareness Week will take place from October 22nd to October 26th, 2007.
[...] We have also just been informed that Saudi money, (what an everlasting surprise), has apparently funded the various pro-Palestinian, anti-American, and anti-Israeli campus groups to launch a defamation and disruption campaign against us. And, the religious Jewish left has also weighed in with an emailed campaign that opposes our telling the truth about how Muslims are blowing other Muslims up, and persecuting women, intellectuals, and homosexuals.
At the same time, in response to this Islamo-fascism Awareness Week, some others are planning "American Fascism Awareness Week". Just look at who they are:
Dennis Kucinich, Ron Paul, congressmen
Adam Kokesh, Iraq War veteran
Chris Hedges, journalist
Cindy Sheehan, Harry Karry, peace activists
Michael Moore, Sean Penn, film-makersSponsors:
Peace and Social Justice Crusade, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Code Pink, Muslim Students Association, American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, Students for Justice in Palestine, Revolutionary Communist Party, International A.N.S.W.E.R.,,,,,
But there is more: the flyers others have edited against the event could be labeled as hate crime:
The flyer, which is headlined "Hate Muslims? So Do We" and masquerades as a publication by GW students now organizing Islamo Fascism Awareness Week activities, is itself a hate crime as well as a forgery. Its authors, cowering behind anonymity, are part of what has become a national movement to attack Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week.
This movement is the work of the Revolutionary Communist Party, the Socialist Workers Party and the Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee. It has one unvarying, malicious theme: that we are anti-Muslim. The Socialist Workers' Party has mobilized its cadre with the charge that IFAW will "demonize Arabs and Muslims." The Revolutionary Communist Party, which has threatened violent disruptions of this event, claims that we are committed to "the vilification of immigrants from the Middle East and Muslims of all countries."
[...] And as Horowitz points out, while the hate-flyer was designed to sabotage Islamo Fascism Awareness Week, what it does instead is show why Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week is necessary in the first place.
What is the problem? As Winds of Jihad reports, IslamOnLine told Islamic world that that flyer was actually the real flyer of the campaign. A very interesting campaign of taquiyya against this organization.
They are on the right track then, when so much people get angry and try to shut them up.
Hace unos días, Luis escribió sobre la semana contra el Islamofascismo en las Universidades Americanas. Dicha semana, que comienza hoy, tiene por objeto alertar del peligro que supone el Islamo-fascismo para Occidente en general y para EEUU en particular y ha sufrido (y está sufriendo) una verdadera campaña de acoso y derribo por parte de los que apoyan al Islam, especialmente de la izquierda más recalcitrante que no protesta contra los desmanes de los islamistas o de los Estados islámicos respecto de los Derechos Humanos pero que sin embargo, da la brasa con Guantánamo y la guerra de Irak todos los días.
En primer lugar, mi adorado Aggmi (¿alguien puede comprarle pero ya un bono de peluquería...??? ). Él pudo hablar sin interrupciones en Columbia, pero ha hecho saber que está de acuerdo con que se interrumpan las conferencias que darán los ponentes durante la semana. ¡Viva la libertad de expresión!
También Arabia Saudí (¡qué raro!) ha enviado dinero para comenzar campañas de difamación y de interrupción contra la propia organización a grupos pro-palestinos, anti-americanos y anti-judíos. Por supuesto, no faltan los grupos de judíos de izquierda que también han empezado un mail-bombing contra la Semana.
Pero no es la única campaña en contra. Los "intelectuales" americanos han planeado una "Semana contra el Fascismo americano". Entre otros hablaran Dennis Kuchinich o Ron Paul (ejem...), candidatos, uno demócrata y otro republicano en las elecciones 2008, la pesada de Cindy Sheehan o el actor Sean Penn y el director Michael Moore. Entre otros lo patrocina el Iraq Veterans against the War, la fundación del ex-candidato demócrata Wesley Clark, general del ejército EEUU, o el Huffington Post, un remedo de lo que aquí querría ser el Plural de Sopena.
Además, ha habido una campaña de taquiyya muy interesante. Resulta que se empezaron a distribuir unos carteles por las Universidades que colaboraban con la Semana contra el Islamofascismo (izquierda) en los que se decía "¿Odias a los musulmanes? Nosotros también" y se señalaban características que supuestamente se les atribuían.
Pues bien, esos carteles son falsos: han sido editados por el Partido Comunista Revolucionario, el Partido Socialista de los Trabajadores y el Comité de Anti-Discriminación Anti-Árabe con el único propósito de acusar a los organizadores de ser anti-musulmanes y racistas. [Menuda mezcla, ¿eh? La alianza izquierdo-islamista en todo su apogeo, metiendo cizaña y cumpliendo la frase de Lenin: "la mentira es un arma revolucionaria"].
Pero eso no ha sido lo peor: la página IslamOnLine, la página a la que quiere imitarr en España webislam, difundió la noticia de que esos carteles falsos eran actualmente los originales y auténticos de la campaña, en un intento de exacerbar a todos los musulmanes en contra de la organización. Todo un ejercicio de "taquiyya" en contra de que se sepa la verdad.
Algo estarán haciendo bien cuando tantas personas los atacan...
Tags: Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week, Semana de alerta contra el Islamofascismo, Islamismo, Islamism, Ahmadinejad, Saudi Arabia, Arabia Saudí, Cindy Sheehan, Michael Moore, Sean Penn, taquiyya, EEUU, USA