Censorship in Spain

jueves, noviembre 22, 2007

A Judge has ordered to forbid the access of several webs, which are critical with Catalan nationalism, to the public in Spain. The reason is that they are asking the citizens to buy products from other Spanish regions (which are more needed of inversion and of economic growing than Catalonia) as a result of the rejection of a part of Catalonian society to continue being Spanish.

This is only a provisional measure as the judicial process is now in its first steps. The webs, some of them inactive are: Stop Nacionalismo, Boicot Ya, Stopnacionalismos, Nacionalismo No, El Boicot, Catalanes No Gracias, Hasta Los Huevos (both the .com and the blog to which that .com redirects you) and Estatuto.

It is a paradox, but Catalanist webs (the most important of which is Omnium Cultural) which are asking to boycott the products of another parts of Spain or of Catalan products which were not labelled in Catalan (that is, it was made in Spanish), are not closed or even temporarily disabled.

One of them is our colleague, HLH: he himself writes about it in his blog. Others writing about this Anghara, EL Cerrajero, HDZP and Prevost.

[+] By the way, the nationalist Catalan Government has already achieved something: Catalonia is the part of Spain where schoolboys and schoolgirls have already the worst results in education of all Spain.