David Milliband es el Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores inglés, y con estas declaraciones podemos directamente considerarle una mezcla entre Pepiño Blanco y Miguel Ángel Moratinos en sus mejores (peores, según se vea) días:
Foreign Secretary David Miliband has suggested the European Union should work towards including Russia, Middle Eastern and North African countries.
He said enlargement was "our most powerful tool" for extending stability.
In his first major speech on the UK's relationship with Europe, he said the EU would not become a "superpower" but should be a "role model" for the world.
It could be a "model power of regional co-operation" dedicated to free trade, the environment and tackling extremism.
He said the EU must "keep our promises to Turkey", adding: "If we fail.... it will signal a deep and dangerous divide between east and west.
"Beyond that we must keep the door open, retaining the incentive for change and the prospect of membership provides."
Mr Miliband made his address at the College of Europe in Bruges, Belgium, where Baroness Thatcher delivered her famous warning against "some sort of identikit European personality" almost exactly two decades ago in September 1988.
Como veis, también hay idiotas que spikinglish. ¿Ha previsto este inglishPepiñation el flujo de inmigrantes que van a entrar en Europa? ¿Ha previsto este inglishMoratination el choque cultural/económico/político... y criminal que esto puede suponer? No esperen que van a cruzar las inexistentes fronteras, sólo almas cándidas. NO, la mafia rusa, los terroristas palestinos o los terroristas de la rama de Al Qaeda que ahora se haca llamar "Al Qaeda para el Islamic Maghreb" también van a cruzarlas. Y luego, ¿qué?
Oye, Miliband, ¿y qué tal si invitamos a los plutonianos o a todos los de la Vía Láctea (excluyendo claro a los americanos)? Una ex-Ministra española, la ínclita Carmen Calvo, dijo que "la ONU tenía que legislar para todos los planetas". Pues nada, tú igual: a incluir a todos los planetas en la Unión Europea.
h/t Gateway Pundit. David Vance, Aurora y Reliapundit también se echan las manos a la cabeza ante esta medida. We are in deep shit! con estos mentecatos.
Pero es que el padre de este payoranger era Ralph Miliband:
Ralph Miliband (January 7, 1924 - May 21, 1994), was a notable Marxist political theorist. He was the father of two British MPs, David and Ed Miliband, who are both members of the British Cabinet under Prime Minister Gordon Brown.
[...] Miliband was on the critical British New Left during the 1950s, alongside the likes of E.P. Thompson and John Saville, with whom he launched the New Reasoner and the New Left Review. He also set up the Socialist Register with Saville in 1964 and was influenced by the American sociologist C. Wright Mills, of whom he was a friend. He left the LSE in 1972, having found himself torn by the controversies which had beleagued the institution over the preceding few years, to take up the post of Professor of Politics at the University of Leeds. His time at Leeds was an unhappy period for Miliband, and he subsequently chose to assume several posts in Canada and the US.
Miliband was passionately opposed to the American war in Vietnam. In 1967 he wrote in the Socialist Register that "the US has over...a period of years been engaged...in the wholesale slaughter of men, women and children, the maiming of many more" and that the United States' "catalogue of horrors" against the Vietnamese people was being done "in the name of an enormous lie".
Su abuelete era otro pacífico Comunista:
his grandfather, Samuel "Sam" Miliband, joined the Red Army in the Polish-Soviet War. Samuel, then Shimon, fought under the command of Trotsky, 'eliminating'(murdering) white Russians, Ukranians and Poles opposed to Communism.[2]
Fue uno de los primeros en abrir un blog y una wiki, pero el blogger inglés Guido Fawkes se burló de él repetidamente y al final prohibió modificarla a personas anónimas. El pique fue tan grande que Milliband le retiró el link de su blog después de que Guido publicase una entrada en la que decía que, "mientras que el blog de Miliband le cuesta 50 peniques diarios al contribuyente, el mío contribuye a los cofres de Gordon".
Pero la ironía del blogger inglés llega más allá:
Miliband is the intellectual future of the Labour party and their next leader after Gordon? God help 'em...
Guido tiene una categoría del blog dedicada al político. Por si os quereis pasar a reiros...
Podeis leer lo que piensa sobre el futuro el inglishPepiñoMoratinos aquí: primero, claro el cambio climático...:
In the battle against climate change, an "I can" society enables citizens to become producers as well as consumers of energy. Within ten years, all new homes will need to sell energy back to the national grid, with citizens getting a fair price for their electricity. The power stations of the future will draw energy from a million roofs, rather than just a central generator.
"I can" must be combined with a sense of "we can" - the belief that there is a shared willingness within each community that individuals' actions will be reciprocated by others. The best way of getting citizens to invest in energy-efficiency measures is not just to appeal on the basis of individual self-interest, but to target a whole street or ward and make citizens feel part of a wider drive to tackle climate change. That is why energy policy in future must be a matter for local government as well as national government.
Y lo mejor:
The concentration of power in Westminster is as antithetical to our ambitions of a more equal society as is the concentration of power in the private sector.
Creating institutions closer to citizens, open and accountable to their communities, able to reconcile conflicts and competing demands, is the way to tackle the sense of powerlessness that can seem pervasive.
Claro, claro. Otros que vienen con el cuento de la descentralización. Oye, chaaato, y cuando haya esa súper estructura con Rusia, el Oriente Próximo y tó hijo de vecino más que se os ocurra, hmm, ¿la descentralización como va a ser?
Other statements by David Miliband:
- Did you read Milliband's pronouncement that there was "never a military solution" to international conflicts and a political settlement was always essential for long-term stability? Tell it to the Japanese, Dave Boy. @ David Vance.
- We have this about David Milliband apparently being blamed for a campaign to destabilise the PM. @ A Conservative's Blog.
- David Milliband, a rising politician in British Labour (the socialist party of Britain), has demanded Turkish entry into the European Union. Turkish entry means free and unbounded immigration rights for 70 million Turkish Muslims into any EU member country. Since income per capita for Turkey is less than $10,000, the incentive for an enormous wave of Muslim migration will be unstoppable. It is civilizational suicide for Europe. @ Up Pompeii. Bueno, ahora pide que entre todo el Norte de África y Palestina... Vamos de mal en peor...
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