Celebrando el Año Nuevo

miércoles, enero 02, 2008

En Francia se han quemado sólo 372 coches (link in English h/t Sister Toldjah), mientras Sarkozy ha sido denunciado en Egipto por prostitución.
(Sarkozy has been accused of prostitution in Egypt for going there with his new lover, Carla Bruni and book in a hotel without being married, while in France 372 cars were torched)

En Holanda:

Apparently a reasonably quit new year means that the police get attacked and that riot police is used in many parts of the country. That in the city of Utrecht alone 30 cars were burned is just an incident (as in the other cities cars were burning). And the reports of buildings, houses, schools, and cars burning is just normal. A total of 800 fire incident were reported for last night for the city of Den Haag alone. In many instances the firefighters were attacked with stones, bricks, and fireworks.

Thus this reasonably quite new year had 95 arrests in the city of Rotterdam, 188 in Den Haag, 85 in Rotterdam, 44 in Utrecht (there is no total reported). Similar numbers for other cities are reported. The police in Utrecht reports that it didn't had enough capacity to act on all incidents...
En Holanda ha pasado algo parecido: sólo en La Haya ha habido más de 800 incidentes por incendio y los bomberos han denunciado que les atacaron con piedras, ladrillos y petardos. En Rotterdam se detuvo a 95 personas, en La Haya a 188, en Rotterdam a 85 y 44 en Utretcht, donde la policía ha señalado que no tenía capacidad suficiente para actuar en todos los incidentes.

Y mientras en Irán, han ahorcado a trece personas. Entre otras destaca el asesinato de una madre de familia:
En la prisión de Evine fueron ahorcadas, según reportó la AFP, 8 personas, entre ellas Raheleh Zamani, de 27 años, la cual fue condenada de asesinar a su esposo que la engañaba con otra mujer.
Iran has hanged 13 people to celebrate the New 2008. Among them there is the case of 27-year-old, Raheleh Zamani, a mother, who was sentenced to death because she killed her husband who was having an affair with another woman.

Hmm, me encanta la alianza de civilizaciones...