Ayer ya posteé sobre la violencia post-electoral en Kenia, uno de los países más estables y con más perspectivas de África. También apunté que, aunque el pretexto había sido el (supuesto) fraude en las elecciones -el presidente de la comisión electoral ha reconocido hoy que no sabe quién ha ganado las elecciones-, tenía mucho de violencia étnica. Hoy ya hay 300 muertos:Riots in Kenia after the presidential elections keep on adding victims and the number of dead people could be up to 300, according to the numbers presented by organizations of Human Rights, which nearly double the official data. Anyway, and considering that the fraud in the elections is being disputed to this day, Government and opposition are accusing one another of planning and carrying campaigns of ethnic repression. The Government considers that "genocide acts" have been carried out while the opposition is considering that there has been a "violent repression".
El resultado de todo ello es un aluvión de desplazados (se calcula alrededor de 100.000) a lo que se sumará una rápida crisis energética porque la crisis en Kenia puede dejar desabastecidos de petróleo a los países de alrededor. Las agencias internacionales ya han alertado de una crisis humanitaria gravísima si no se ataja el problema.
International readers:
Tens of thousands displaced in Kenya riots @ DW.
Frustration in Kenya is understandable @ DW.
Witness describes mob's burning of church in Kenya @ IHT.
Daniel Kibigo watched the church get swallowed by a mob and then swallowed by flames.Un testigo del fuego que acabó con la vida de 30 personas de la etnia kikuyu dice que estaba escondido en unos campos de maíz quemados que están al lado que no pudo hacer nada y que los miembros de la turba pusieron, muy sonrientes, mantas en las puertas y las prendieron fuego. Que todos vieron cómo la casa se quemaba hasta el final con 50 personas dentro.He said he had been there, hiding in the burned cornfields nearby, where the tribal militia had already struck, as women tried to claw their way through the church windows as if they were drowning. He said members of the mob had gleefully stuffed mattresses in front of the doors and lighted them on fire. He said he had seen the church burn all the way to the ground, with 50 people inside, and he had been helpless to stop it.
Hmm, qué bien...
Yahoo!News AFP titula: Diplomatic push to end ethnic strife in Kenya:
El presidente de la Unión Africana, el Presidente de Ghana John Kufuor, iba a visitar el miércoles o el viernes Nairobi para liderar un esfuerzo mediador con el jefe de la misión de observación de la Commonwealth en Kenia, el ex-presidente de Sierra Leona Ahmed Tejan Kabbah.The head of the African Union, Ghanaian President John Kufuor, was expected in Nairobi late Wednesday or Thursday to lead a joint mediation effort with the head of the Commonwealth observer mission in Kenya, Sierra Leonean former president Ahmed Tejan Kabbah.
The outgoing head of the Commonwealth said Kenya will not be suspended from the 53-nation grouping of mainly former British colonies despite the post-election violence.