En Australia, la libertad de Internet está bajo amenaza

miércoles, enero 02, 2008

Traduzco un post de Midnight Sun porque es muy importante su contenido y no es muy largo:

The time for Australian bloggers is drawing nigh, folks, with our new prime minister, control freak, socialist Kevin Rudd moving in to censor the Australian internet under the guise of saving the children from pornography. But considering that Conservative Australian journalists have suddenly come under threat in the new Rudd era, I would say that with the new law in place, PC and Labor agenda driven policy will find its way into the legislations.

I knew when Rudd was elected that it was the beginning of the end of Australian freedoms. Here’s the link with thanks to Lujack:

Australian Telecommunications Minister Stephen Conroy today announced a requirement for ISPs to provide a “clean feed” for all homes, schools and any public PCs accessible by children. This follows up on a pre-election Nov. 19th Labor Party press release which first announced a proposed Cyber-safety plan.

As the press release said, “A Rudd Labor Government will transform cyber-safety in Australia,” and here we are. So, is Australia the new China?

Poco han tardado los laboristas, recientemente ganadores de las elecciones en Australia, en imponer una ley restrictiva de Internet, con la excusa de que es para luchar contra la pornografía infantil. Soy la primera que aborrece la pornografía en general, por cosificar a las personas (pero si son mayores de edad, están en su derecho) y la de menores en particular. Pero establecer una medida por la que todos los PC's que puedan ser usados por menores (cualquiera, lo que incluyen los de casa...) tengan IPs filtradas, como que da miedito. ¿Quién me garantiza a mí que las IPs sean sólo las de pornografía infantil y no otras que se les cuelen porque sean de alguien cuyas ideas no les caigan bien?

So are we going to believe that the webpages filtered are only the ones who contain child pornography? Don't take us for idiots at this stage...