Foehammer deja su sitio

miércoles, enero 30, 2008

pero promete buscar otro host:

As many of you are aware of by now, I am experiencing problems with the hosting at the Anvil. This has been continuing off and on for months and in recent weeks it has built up a full head of steam.

This may be the last blog entry I make here at the Anvil for many days, so just be prepared. I am being badgered by my hosts with nebulous emails, unexpected service denials, etc., all during a time in my life when I need them the least and am not able to make much sense of what they claim to be the “problem” with the Anvil. In other words, I’m out of patience and short on solutions.

All this being said, I am now convinced that my next logical step will be to find a new host for the Anvil. I do not know when I will make this move, but I will make it in order to keep the Anvil online. I will not give in to extortionists, terrorists, Islamists or even poorly managed Internet hosting companies.

What I really will need to find is a hosting company that has a staff that can take the hat of tech support away from me. I must be getting old, because I no longer have the time, energy or will to be not only a writer but also a web designer, graphic artist, editor, marketer AND technical guru. I’ve lost my way in the wilds of the blogosphere and I need to simplify things for myself if I’m ever going to find the fire to start typing op-ed pieces again.

It’s a shame that it has come to this, but I certainly can’t say that I am surprised. The cause of my “problems” could range from an inside mole to an outside hacker to a well-hidden script that is misbehaving. I simply do not know and that is a rare thing for me to admit.

Wish me luck. I already know I have your support and for that I am sincerely grateful.

It has been my privilege to share my views with so many of you for this long and to be received so kindly by the majority. I will do my best to keep keeping on but there may very well be a big bump in the road ahead. Hold on tight.

Foehammer, out.

Foehammer's Anvil es uno de los blogs con más aditamentos que conozco: tiene muchísimos widgets, vídeos, etc. Los propietarios del Host, LunarPages, como él mismo dice, no acaban de darle soluciones: sus mails están llenos de evasivas y de razones poco claras.

Así que Foehammer anuncia que, como no tiene tiempo de escribir y de ser diseñador de páginas web, artista grafico, editor y gurú técnico, deja de escribir en el blog, pero que buscará otras maneras de seguir difundiendo el mensaje anti-Jihad. ¿Cómo? En principio, la solución más "fácil" sería buscar otro host, pero no es fácil volcar todo el contenido en otro servidor, considerando la cantidad de él que hay.

Añade además que no sabe exactamente qué es lo que le está causando tantos problemas: puede ser tanto algo muy pequeño que ha pasado desapercibido como un hacker externo. Que no lo sabe. Y que eso es raro.

Así que primero va a volver a los inicios, escribiendo sólo editoriales cortos y luego ya verá cómo continúa.

Sooooo, good luck, Foehammer!!! Hope you'll return as soon as possible!!.

(He has actually written a post today.... Wish granted! Hope so...).

La página de Foehammer suspendida por su proveedor.