La página de Foehammer suspendida por su proveedor

viernes, enero 11, 2008

Más ataques contra blogueros antijihadistas. Esta vez le ha tocado el turno a Foehammer, Foehammer’s Anvil, uno de los más combativos y de los más visitados de EEUU. En su caso sin embargo no ha sido el Gobierno si no su propio proveedor de Internet el que directamente le ha censurado el blog (o eso parece después de leer el comentario del propio Foehammer hace unos días...).

Esto es lo que sale hoy (podeis pinchar arriba):El comentario al que hacía referencia anteriormente es este:

uthor: Foehammer

Obviously Foehammer got the bug fixed.

I wish it had been a bug, but instead it was the intentional disabling of this site again by my hosting company LunarPages. I am no longer going to hide their part in the several times that the Anvil has gone offline unexpectedly. They outsource their support but claim that they do not. I am quite suspicious that what is described to me in nebulous emails from LunarPages as “script errors” that require blocking my site are simply transparent excuses made on the part of certain people that would much rather see this site off-line. LunarPages should be supportive of my blog for the very simple reason that I am a good customer and pay my bills and run a clean blog, but apparently that is not good enough anymore. Instead, I am expected to be bled dry for what little I might be able to afford in order to maintain a blog that has seen its traffic dwindle in no small part but as a result of such mischief as transpired earlier this week.

Between sites like Digg and my own hosting troubles, vicious personal attacks from religious zealots masquerading as anti-hate police and all the rest of the nuts that even have gone so far as to threaten my life, it can be of little wonder to anyone that is paying even scant attention that I am disgusted and no longer view this fight the same as I did a year ago.

The Internet is a battle ground between those who dare to put forth the Truth and those cowards that would run from it or those enemies that would hide it. Well, as I have intimated before, the Net is no longer enough. I will take my message and put it into play in new ways over the course of the coming decades. In time I will be vindicated on multiple levels by way of the simple expanse of history as it unfolds before us, but beyond that, I will do my own part in creative ways to defeat Islamism and the lemmings that would bring it to the USA.

A few bumps in the Information Highway are not going to stop me and they shouldn’t stop any of us that care about the Truth and the Future.

Traduzco las partes subrayadas del primer párrafo que son las más importantes:
Ojalá hubiera sido un error, pero ha sido retirada intencionalmente por mi proveedor, la compañía LunarPages. No voy a esconder su parte en las varias veces en que Anvil ha desaparecido inesperadamente. Tienen subcontratado el apoyo informático pero dicen que no. Tengo muchas sospechas de lo que me han descrito en varios nebulosos emilios de LunarPages como “errores de script” que requieren el bloqueo de mi sitio son simplemente excusas que hacen por petición de ciertas personas que les gustaría ver este sitio off-line.

Después dice que se está pensando seguir con el blog, pero que eso no le impedirá idear nuevas ideas de comunicar la Verdad para derrotar al Islamismo.

h/t 1389.

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  1. Inspectores municipales chinos asesinan a palos a bloguero por filmar una protesta.
  2. Phylis Chesler entrevista a Lionheart.
  3. Censorship in the blogosphere (II).
  4. Actualización sobre Lionheart (II).
  5. Actualización sobre Lionheart.
  7. Presión en la blogosfera (I).
  8. Breve nota sobre la censura.

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