Musulmanes se niegan a vender la Biblia por ser libro "impuro"

martes, enero 15, 2008

A MUSLIM store workerrefused to serve a customer buying a children’s book on Christianity because she said it was “unclean”.

Shopper Sally Friday felt publicly humiliated at a branch of Marks & Spencer when she tried to pay for First Bible Stories as a gift for her young grandson.

When she put the book on the check-out counter, the young assistant refused to touch it, declared it was unclean and summoned another member of staff to serve instead.

Mrs Friday, from Old Basing, Hants, added: “I have given it careful thought and still feel humiliated that, because I am purchasing a children’s Bible story book, a cashier is able to object and refuse to put it through the till.

“Had this been a copy of the Koran I am confident any Christian person would be happy to do her job, and for this to happen in a Marks & Spencer of all places beggars belief.

“I am not racist but I have vowed never to let a person wearing a headdress serve me again. It will be a long, long time before I shop again at M&S.” Mr Davies, Conservative MP for Shipley, west Yorkshire, said: “I find it unbelievable. We are a Christian country. I’m afraid it is no good for people to work in Marks & Spencer and not serve their products.

Resulta que va una señora a comprarle a su nieto las Primeras Historias de la Biblia en Marks & Spencer y cuando lo pone encima del mostrador, el dependiente le dice que no lo puede tocar porque es un libro impuro y que por tanto no puede cobrárselo.

Ahora pongámonos en la situación contraria: dependiente cristiano (da igual la denominación) que rechaza cobrar a un musulmán el Corán... el cristiano tendría un problema laboral por incumplimiento de su obligación, porque si es dependiente, su labor es servir/cobrar lo que quiera el cliente, no lo que quiera él.

Así que el diputado Sr. Davies, del Partido Conservador, ya ha dicho que es una vergüenza, que no es racista pero que no va a dejar a nadie que lleve velo (1, 2) le sirva (no sé qué tiene que ver una cosa con la otra), que cualquier cristiano hubiera estado encantado de vender el Corán y que Inglaterra es un país cristiano. ¡Dios salve a Mr. Davies! porque salvo el paréntesis, ha estado muy acertado.