Prodi pierde un crucial voto en el Senado y se espera que dimita

jueves, enero 24, 2008


The Italian Prime Minister, Romano Prodi, has lost a confidence vote in the Senate, threatening to bring down his government and force elections.

Mr Prodi, who has led his centre-left coalition for 20 months, is now obliged to hand in his resignation.

He won 156 votes, with 161 against and one abstention.

Mr Prodi had been advised by President Giorgio Napolitano to avoid the vote, despite winning an earlier confidence vote in the lower house.

Mr Neopolitano must decide the next move for Italy - either calling a snap election or naming someone to lead a caretaker government.

Elections would be likely to favour the conservative former PM Silvio Berlusconi, who leads the coalition that defeated Mr Prodi in the Senate.

La derecha italiana está exultante de que Prodi tenga que irse: 1, 2, 3, 4. Paolo escribe:
Finisce così la carriera politica più fantascientifica d'Italia. [...] Adesso la fantascienza è finita: si torna alla realtà.
Se termina así la carrera política más fantascientífica de Italia. Ahora la fantasciencia se termina: volvemos a la realidad.

"This the end to the most fantanscientific political life of Italia[...] The fantascience ends: now we return to reality". Paolo dixit.

Prodi warns of a political vacuum if he is made to resign @ Reuters.
El primer ministro italiano, Romano Prodi, dijo el jueves al Senado que si tiene que dimitir por no superar una moción de confianza se creará "un vacío de poder" que dejará a la economía italiana vulnerable a una recesión mundial.
Hahaha: if I don't lead this country, you are going to have a recession, you know...
EL voto ha sido de todo menos tranquilo:
La bronca estalló cuando Nuccio Cusumano, uno de los tres senadores del UDEUR -el partido que ha abandonado la coalición en el poder y desatado la crisis de Gobierno- dijo que votará a favor de Prodi, lo que originó que su compañero de partido Tommaso Barbato se dirigiera hacia su escaño gritándole "vendido, cornudo y pedazo de mierda".

Inmediatamente el hemiciclo se convirtió en un gallinero, oyéndose contra Cusumano perlas como: "Maricón, eres una basura, eres una puta, eres una muñequita", entre otras, que profirieron senadores de la oposición de centroderecha.
¿Alguien se imagina a Julio César llamando maricón a alguien cuyo voto no le gustase?
Looks like that one of the senators belonging to the coalition which has provoked the crisis, announced he was going to vote for Prodi. So other senators began shouting at him: "you are sold, your wife is cheating at you and you are a piece of shit" and "fag, you're shit, you're a bitch, you're a dolly". Hmm, someone considering the possibility of Julius Caesar shouting like that to Pompey? o_O