Guess who is working on British trains...

domingo, febrero 18, 2007

From The Sun Online (HT Right Truth):

Convicted drugs dealer Khayam, 22, had been filmed dressed as a bomber at the controversial demonstration outside London's Danish Embassy last year.

He wore a sinister camouflage outfit with a black vest.

Extremists around him - protesting at cartoons of the prophet Mohammed - waved placards supporting the 7/7 London bombings and calling for new UK terror attacks.

Khayam was sent back to prison after officials ruled he had broken the terms of his early release.

He was due to stay behind bars until August 2007 but was AGAIN released early.

He now works nights at First Group's huge depot in Bedford. When challenged about his job, he said: "So what? I've not committed a crime. If there is a concern, that's what the police are there for. That's what security services are for."

Another example of Eurabian madness. Because it is not only that he is working for a train company, the curious thing is that he is working:

in a job giving him access to locked places on trains where bombs could be hidden and never be found.

"He has keys that could be passed on to others for the electrical cupboards in carriages. It is a risk too far."

Traducción: Una de las empresas de transporte ferroviario más importantes de Gran Bretaña ha empleado -y le ha dado las llaves hasta de las cajas eléctricas de los trenes- a uno de los manifestantes contra las caricaturas. En las imágenes, el traficante de drogas condenado de 22 años estaba vestido con un traje de camuflaje y una camisola negra, imitando a los terroristas suicidas. Se le mandó a prisión otra vez por considerarse que estaba infringiendo los términos de su pronta liberación. Debía estar en prisión hasta agosto de 2007 pero fue puesto de nuevo en libertad antes de lo previsto.

Interrogado ante la posibilidad Khayam dijo: "¿Y qué? No he cometido ningún crimen. Si hay alguna preocupación, eso es para lo que está la policía. Es para lo que están los servicios de seguridad".

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