The New Spanish Minister of Un-Justice

martes, febrero 13, 2007

Mr López Aguilar was the late Spanish Minister but he is Socialist Candidate for the Autonomous Community of Canary Islands. So Zapatero had to name another Minister of Justice.

The moment is very important and very difficult at the same time: the terrorist attacks against Barajas' airport 4th terminal, commonly known here as T4, put the Government in a very bad position, as Mr Zapatero had said the day before that 2007 was going to be a lot better for Spain and for the peace process. The demonstration Socialists made last month, was not very succesfull, while the Foro of Ermua's one was huge.

But the photos of ETA bloody terrorist De Juana in British newspaper The Times, were a bomb aimed at the weakest base on the Government: the so-called "peace process". The photos shew a slimmed De Juana and the terrorist said that he was mistreated at hospital and was constantly tied to the bed.

However, reality has shown that De Juana goes to make phone calls, drinks coffee with his doctors and his girlfriend sleeps with him in the same room. He is emaciated but not as he should be, after nearly 100 days of hunger strike. Also the Penitentiary Institution did not let the police, who were guarding the terrorist, make them any registries. But after the Times' photos, orders were changed and a pepper spray was found on the girlfriend's terrorist (via Prevost).

Even Amnesty International has rejected any kind of support for the terrorist, because he has killed people.

Today the Supreme Court has reduced the sentence of this bloody terrorist to only 3 years. On 2005, De Juana menaced the Director of the Penitentiary Institution and several Prison's Directors. But the Supremes have thought that, although he menaced them and he is a reknown member of ETA, the menaces he made are not considered as terrorist ones, and so they are not the ones condemned in article 571 of the Penal Code. So as phestar says -above link, in Spanish-, the menaces made by a terrorist convincted to 3.000 years in prison -of which he has only fulfilled 18, redeeming the other 12 because of "good behaviour", even he has not repented or asked for forgiveness- are just like the ones I or any other ordinary citizen can make.

Terrorist Victims' Association has called the people to protest about this sentence on Saturday, February 24th at Colon's Square (Madrid) at 5 o'clock in the afternoon. During the act, the De Juana's Victims will be hommaged.

Popular Party says that they respect but cannot support this sentence.

And De Juana,is he happy about the sentence? NO, he wants to be set out free just now and as he has not, he is going to continue his hunger strike, because, as his lawyer has said, "he does not want the 3rd grade -that is, he would only have to go to prison to sleep, being free the rest of the day-, because those type of things are not accepted by ETA members". Of course, and I do not accept to pay taxes and so, I do not pay them. Magnificent logic...

Also, tomorrow the criminal process about the March 11th bombings will begin. At this hour we do not know what was the explosive used for the bombings. Experts have done a first exam and cannot rule out Tytadine as the explosice used, something which would change all the summary work, because Tytadine is a very well known ETA explosive and the summary has been writing considering the one used is Goma-2 Eco. (NOTE: Does this mean ETA was author or just collaborated in the attack? What we know now, does not support this fact, but if ETA says -even if it's not true- that they have been the authors, is not going to be funny for the Government, who has denied their involvement once and egain...)

So, the momment is a delicate one. You would think that Zapatero should employ someone who can dialogue with people from all the tendencies, to make everything easier.

WRONG: He has named Mariano Fernández Bermejo, a Supreme Tribunal prosecutor, known by being an extreme leftist in all circles. He said that "we have fought against their parents and we are not fearful of the sons", referring to the PP politicians, considered by him as sons of Franco's supporters.

Wonder who is the son of a Franco's supporter and afterwards a very active militant of PP? He himself. So he has been fighting with his father and now he is not fearful of ... himself. Well, of course, as the contrary would be ... ackward at least...

Today, Fernández Bermejo has promised (of course, because if you swear, your witness is God, the Father.... ) his nomination before King Juan Carlos and President Zapatero. In the speech he made after the promise, he has said that the moment is a delicate one, because of "the strategy of those who, not having swallowed their defeat at the elections, want to use Justice for things that only belong to political debate", referring to PP. That is said by the same person who stated that he "was a leftist and from that perspective he acted".

His speech also had a reference to De Juana's case saying that "Judges should be just with every one, and also with the people accused of terrorism". Look at the expression:even if this bloody terrorist has said he himself, that he was a terrorist and that he was very proud of that, Spanish Minister for Justice calls him an accused of terrorism.

He has never had the support of the his fellow prosecutors and every time that he has been promoted (1st time: O votes from fellow prosecutors, 2nd time 3 votes..), it has been just because of his political ideas.

(NOTE: Today was yesterday. I did not have time to correct that..)

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