Brief extension for Firefox

martes, marzo 06, 2007

I have been looking for a Firefox's extension to receive RSS. I knew both Sage and Wizz but I did not like any of them. Yesterday, I found a reasonable one: it's called Brief, and can be used with the new Firefox 2.0.

Brief is an extension for Firefox which makes reading feeds as easy as it gets. It is designed to have the right set of features to be both powerful and simple. Brief stores feeds' content in a database and displays articles in a form of a sleek, interactive page.

Easily mark articles as read and star the interesting ones. Browse your feeds anyway you want - view only unread or starred articles, display a single feed or a whole folder at a time. Find what you are looking for using full text search-as-you-type. Let yourself be notified when feeds are updated in the background and track the number of new entries using the status bar.

If you use Firefox, you can give it a try.


Por fin he encontrado un add-on de Mozilla para ver los RSS que merece la pena. Con él puedes marcar como importantes las noticias que te gusten -cosa que en Sage, por ejemplo, no se puede- y los resultados de la búsqueda aparecen al mismo tiempo que escribes.

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