[In English, below]
Otro periodista cubano encarcelado, cosa que supongo le parecerá estupenda a Moratinos. Pero fíjense la excusa: "peligrosidad predelictiva". Ya ni siquiera se molestan en inventar un delito; lo encarcelan porque podría llegar a cometerlo.
Source: liberalismo.org: 1812: Minority Report
El mismo día además hemos conocido también que Martha Beatriz Roque ha sido amenazada de muerte. Otra mala noticia para la oposición en Cuba.
Pero tenemos también otra buena noticia: Rajoy ha dicho que nunca consideraría a Chávez como un aliado estratégico. Lo cual no es algo que me sorprenda. Sin embargo, a otros sí les ha sorprendido. Y es que Zapatero ha hecho que parezca que todos los españoles somos unos fans de Castro, Chávez, Evo y demás ralea. Y no es así... aunque Zapatero lo intente con ahínco...
This is that type of news that is so worrisome and shameful for decent Spanish to know that they have happened, just after the Spanish FM Moratinos has said angrily "he has no accounts to give to the USA about Spanish policy towards Cuba". Another journalist named Óscar Sánchez Madam (photo), has been imprisoned, he has been condemned because of being "pre-criminal dangerous". So critical was actual Spanish Government about the preemptive strikes against Al-Qaeda -a terrorist and murderous group-, but they are not going to speak heartily and hardly against this man's unjust imprisonment.
Italian blogger Stefania writes about him:
We reported his essays many times. They were a detailled account of the Cuban reality and the injusticesn perpetrated against the Cuban people by the Castros. He was threatened several times with being arrested; he was fined and even beaten. But now he has been arrested and condemned to 4 years in prison after a summary trial without the right to hire a lawyer. By knowing his valiant attitude, he won’t be intimidated, nor will he cave in to his repressors. He will likely adopt the civil desobedience he always advocated. Oscar Sánchez Madan is a valiant outspoken anti-communist freedom fighter, member of the “Alternative Option” Independent Movement. Cuban journalist sentenc
ed to 4 years in jail
Also we have known today that Martha Beatriz Roque has received death threats. (Babalu Blog has translated it to English).
Babalu has made me even happier by quoting PP leader Rajoy (who has been today on public TV answering questions to normal citizens and has been really extraordinary...) about Cuba:
The leader of the Spanish Popular Party (PP) Mariano Rajoy said he would "never" accept that Caracas labels Spanish Head of Government as "a strategic ally" of Hugo Chávez' Venezuela, as "this puts Rodríguez Zapatero at the same level as countries such as Cuba or Zimbabwe."
Anyway, I really think that the title of the post is not right: there are a lot of Spanish people who are really ashamed of this support to Castro.