Chirac: Palestinian idol, disaster for France

miércoles, abril 18, 2007


Apparently Chirac has joined Arafat, Nasser and Bin Laden as a Palestinian Arab idol.

At a farewell meeting Tuesday with outgoing French leader Jacques Chirac, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said the West Bank city of Ramallah would name a street after him.

Chirac, who will leave office after the French presidential election's final round May 6, was also given an open invitation to visit the Palestinian territories, Abbas said.

"The objective of this visit was to meet President Chirac and to thank this great man for all he has done for the Palestinian people," Abbas told reporters after talks at the Elysee Palace.

Abbas said he told Chirac that Ramallah's mayor had decided "to name of the one most important streets" in the city after Chirac. Chirac's spokesman said the French leader appreciated that gesture of friendship.

Source: Solomonia.

Will he go to the opening? I imagine what Katchikel would write about this...

To see what Chirac has really meant for France, you can read this article in The Economist (h/t: Sardanapale):

On entering the Elysée Palace, Mr Chirac inherited a restive country, with high unemployment, mounting debt, a disoriented electorate and a sense of political stagnation.

Twelve years later, having announced his decision not to run again, the 74-year-old Mr Chirac bequeaths to his successor a restive country with high unemployment, mounting debt, a disoriented electorate and an even more intense sense of political stagnation.”


El Presidente Mahmoud Abbas le comunicó a Chirac en su última visita que una de las calles más importantes de la ciudad de Ramallah llevaría su nombre, porque "es una manera de agradecer a este gran hombre lo que ha hecho por el pueblo palestino". El portavoz de Chirac dijo que el líder francés agradecía este gesto de amistad.

The Economist escribía sobre Chirac y decía que, si cuando entró en el Palacio del Elíseo, heredó un país en recesión con gran desempleo, una creciente deuda, un electorado desorientado y un sentimiento de estancamiento [stagnation] político, cuando se va, 12 años después, la situación es igual, sólo que aún hay más sentimiento de estancamiento político.

A Chirac siempre la quedará el mundo árabe ;) ¿Irá a la inauguración de la calle? 

UPDATE: And while Chirac is "idolised" in France:

Maan News Agency reported on the latest proposal by the Palestinian Hamas political party: Khan Younis - Ma'an - A number of Palestinian factions, including Hamas, have called for more Israeli soldiers to be captured in order to ensure Palestinian prisoners are released in exchange. They say that this action is necessary following the failure of the diplomatic efforts to release the Palestinian prisoners.

Source: Gateway Pundit: Hamas Calls for Further Abductions of Israeli Soldiers

More information in Dhimmitude News Network


Pues eso, que mientras Chirac es homenajeado con calles, los de Hamas están pidiendo que se capture a más soldados israelíes para asegurarse así que los prisioneros palestinos sean a cambio puestos en libertad.