Obscure communist association supported by public money wants to try Aznar over Iraqi war

viernes, abril 27, 2007

As I have blogged several times in the past, communist and socialist supporters want to judge Aznar because of his support to Iraqi war. I am translating the alert Monclovitas.com (from antizp.org movement) has posted on their website.

On April 25th, Spanish newspaper La Razón reported: "A foundation linked to Spanish Communist Party and which has received a lot of public money wants to judge Aznar because of Iraqi war". The Foundation for Marxist Investigations -that is its name- is making whatever it can, spending what is necessary, both in money and in efforts and supports,being its primary objective that, at least, Aznar is called to declare before any Tribunal. This association has received more than €1 million of public money over recent years.

What is worse is that they are doing it in total secrecy as not even their webpage has any mention to this intention. Everything is being done in secret meetings, e-mailings to associates and lots of calls to lawyers, organizations and work groups what would let them make a prosperous legal action against Aznar because of Iraqi war (a war in which Spain only sent some logistical support).

Source: Quieren juzgar a Aznar usando dinero público. | Monclovitas.com

Monclovitas.org has also designed some banners to show our support for Aznar. To select yours, go to the link above and paste it on your blog.

More here by Antonio Molares do Val.

santiago pedrazAlso today the Judge from National Court Pedraz (left) has prosecuted US sergeant Thomas Gibson, the tank responsible, and two of his superiors, captain Philip Wolford and the lieutenant general Philip De Camp, for the death of Spanish cameraman José Couso in Iraq. He accuses them of a crime against international community, which Spanish Penal Code condemns with 10 to 15 years of prison.

El juez de la Audiencia Nacional Santiago Pedraz ha procesado hoy a tres soldados de los Estados Unidos por un delito contra la comunidad internacional y otro por el asesinato del cámara de Telecino José Couso y el reportero de la agencia Reuters Taras Protsyuk, el 8 de abril de 2003 en Bagdad.

En un auto dictado hoy, el juez declara procesados en esta causa al sargento Thomas Gibson, responsable del tanque que realizó el disparo al Hotel Palestina, y a dos de sus superiores, el capitán Philip Wolford y el teniente coronel Philip De Camp, por un delito que podría ser castigado con penas de diez a quince años de cárcel y con que el Código Penal español sanciona a quienes "con ocasión de un conflicto armado realizaran u ordenaran realizar ataques inidiscriminados o excesivos o hagan objeto a la población civil de ataques, represalias, actos o amenazas de violencia cuya finalidad sea aterrorizarla".

Source: El juez Pedraz procesa a tres soldados de EEUU por la muerte de Couso

Of course, no mentions to the fact that José Couso did not have any assurance for him or his family  (click here for more; link in Spanish). He had what here it is called a "rubbish job contract", that is, low waging, no life insurance and virtually no job security. So his family is trying someone pays for his death. And what is better that to prosecute the three US marines? A very easy target...

At the same time, ETA terrorist De Juana Chaos goes to make some purchases, without telling it to Penitentiary Judge but with the allowance of the Directive Body of the Penitentiary Institutions. But that is subject of another post.