El show saudí en Inglaterra - Saudi show in GB

martes, octubre 30, 2007

 Ayer veíamos que el rey saudí había echado la culpa a los ingleses por los atentados del 7/J. Hoy en lugar de no admitirle en el pais y declararle "persona non grata", el rey ha llegado a Inglaterra con todo su séquito. Tres horas fueron necesarias para sacar todo el equipaje del Rey que venía en 6 aviones y han usado 84 limusinas para ir de Heathrow a Londres.

Primero la Reina y el Duque de Edimburgo le saludarán con un desfile de la Guardia Real a caballo y después habrá un banquete real, donde ambos monarcas pronunciarán discursos.

King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia is to receive a ceremonial welcome from the Queen later, including a state banquet at Buckingham Palace.

The Liberal Democrats and a number of charities say it should not take place because of Saudis' human rights record.

King Abdullah, who flew into the UK on Monday, has already caused controversy by accusing Britain of not doing enough in the fight against terrorism.

The king's arrival marks the first visit by a Saudi monarch in 20 years.

Convoy of limousines

His visit officially begins on Tuesday when the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh will greet him in Horse Guards Parade, where he will review a guard of honour before heading for the palace in carriages.

There, during a state banquet, both monarchs will make speeches.

BBC security correspondent Frank Gardner said six planes brought the king and his huge entourage to Heathrow airport.

It took three hours for all the luggage to be unloaded while a convoy of 84 limousines drove the party into London, our correspondent said.

Among them were 23 personal advisors who will stay at Buckingham Palace and more than 400 aides who are spilling out into London hotels, he added.

BBC NEWS | UK | Red carpet welcome for Saudi king

La dhimitud en acción. ¿Le preguntará la Reina sobre el wahabismo? Y que tenga cuidado con mirarle fijamente que eso es islamofóbico. SurpriseStriaght FacePhbbbttt

La visita no llega en buen momento para la Casa Real por otras razones.

Just a little note: I would have declared this man "persona non grata" the moment I would have known he has critisized my country for not fighting terrorism, while his country is the 1st exporter of Jihado terrorists in the world.

The Queen, should not stare to the Saudi King: she can be labeled as "islamophobic". SurpriseStriaght FacePhbbbttt

Dhimmitude in action..