is the red lipstick:
Q: Does lipstick really contain lead?
A: According to independent lab tests initiated by the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, yes, some lipsticks available for sale in 2007 contain lead. The report, “A Poison Kiss,” names the brands tested and the levels of lead found in them. More than half of 33 top-brand lipsticks tested (61%) contained detectable levels of lead, with levels ranging from 0.03 to 0.65 parts per million (ppm). One-third of the lipsticks exceeded the 0.1 ppm FDA lead limit for candy – a standard established to protect children from directly ingesting lead. Among the brands tested found to have the highest lead levels were L’Oreal, Cover Girl and Christian Dior – showing that the more expensive brands are no safer than drugstore brands. [1]
Q: Is just a little bit of lead really harmful?
A: The most recent scientific studies indicate that there is no safe level of lead – no amount of exposure is without harm. Lead is a proven neurotoxin that can cause learning, language and behavioral problems. Lead is also linked to infertility and miscarriage. Pregnant women and young children are particularly vulnerable to exposure because lead easily crosses the placenta and enters the fetal brain, where it interferes with normal development. (Attention: you’re idiot because your mother used make-up
) Lead does not break down in the body, but builds up over a lifetime of exposures.
h/t Fausta (you can read her post…)
Even if I don’t like make-up at all, this thing is silly. Make-up has been used since the early ages of mankind.
[1] It is interesting to note that:
So, men, you like women with red lipstick on them, do you? Well, the time is over for that also… 3, 2, 1, wearing red lipstick is going to be a crime…
(+) By the way, when I say it is the new ecologist obsession is because of this:
Founding groups of the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics include: Alliance for a Healthy Tomorrow, Breast Cancer Fund, Clean Water Fund, Commonweal, Environmental Working Group, Friends of the Earth, Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition, National Black Environmental Justice Network, National Environmental Trust, and Women’s Voices for the Earth .
La nueva obsesión ecologista es la barra de labios roja porque contiene cantidades “peligrosas para la salud” de plomo.
“Más de la tercera parte de las barras de labios excedían del límite máximo que puede consumirse en las chucherías, el 0,1 ppm -un standard establecido para proteger a los niños contra la ingestión de plomo. Entre las marcas que tienen los límites más importantes de plomo estaban L’Oreal, Cover Girl o Christian Dior.
Las mujeres embarazadas y los niños pequeños son particularmente vulnerables a la exposición al plomo porque cruza la placenta y entra en el cerebro fetal, donde interfiere con su normal desarrollo (Atentos: si eres tonto, es porque tu madre usó barra de labios roja)”.
Lo interesante es que hasta el 2006 el límite de la ingesta de plomo en las chucherías estaba en 0.5ppm, o sea que todo el mundo ha ingerido en EEUU más plomo con las chuches que lo que podrá ingerir con la barra de labios roja.
Así que a todos los que les gustan las mujeres con labios rojo pasión, que vayan disfrutando de la vista rápido, porque dentro de nada será un súper-delito, te encerrarán durante 50 años y cuando salgas de la cárcel, te será ya de poca utilidad. Y las barras de labios llevarán una nota que diga “Pintarse los labios perjudica seriamente la salud. Y su hijo podrá nacer aún más tonto de lo que le va a hacer el nuevo sistema educativo (si es que eso es posible)”.
Mira que me gusta poco el maquillaje, pero es que esto es tan idiota como lo de la hamburguesa XXL. De verdad, estos no son ecologistas, son ecoplastas.
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Tags: ecologismo, ecoplastas, barra de labios, maquillaje, belleza, EEUU,