Putin muestra su apoyo al programa nuclear civil iraní
El País (España) - hace 3 horasAhmadinejad propone asociación económica de países del Mar Caspio El Diario CoLatino
Irán ha recibido el apoyo implícito a su programa nuclear en la declaración final de la cumbre de países ribereños del mar Caspio que se ha celebrado este martes en Teherán. Especialmente relevante ha sido el del presidente ruso, Vladímir Putin, …
Putin y Ahmadineyad alertan contra cualquier interferencia … El Periódico
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Así que después de la foto de Aggggggggmi con Evo Morales, tenemos la mejor foto del encuentro que es sin duda esta -y no es un Photoshop-:
Aunque el horno no está para bollos, creo que esta foto precisa de un importante examen. Cuando se lo mandé a Kate se partió de risa y hasta lo ha puesto en su blog:
It certainly seems that the two nutjobs are getting on quite well. Putin waltzes in and makes his virility abundantly clear; Ahmadinejad, not so much. He looks like an awkward, 13-year-old girl who has just hit puberty and is, for whatever reason, enamored with this meathead bully.
Bwahahahaha!! Pero aún se ve mejor en esta otra:
Para que luego digan que en Irán no hay homosexuales.. Pero ¿qué dices? Eso es un invento americano…
En cuanto a la importancia de la reunión, es mucha más de la que en principio se puede considerar: y no sólo por el programa nuclear.
El centro de Asia es uno de los lugares a los que menos se presta atención, pero que sin embargo, tienen una posición estratégica, por lo que su importancia ha aumentado exponencialmente durante los últimos años. Ya trataré sobre ello más adelante, pero es fundamental tener en cuenta que tienen una gran riqueza energética. Esto les hace ser el centro de una serie de movimientos tanto rusos como chinos para evitar un incremento de la influencia sobre todo de EEUU.
Así que esta foto tiene más importancia que la sola reunión entre Rusia e Irán:
¿Por qué? Pues porque de derecha a izquierda vemos al diviiiiiiiiiino Aggggggmi ( le voy a dar un bono de peluquería…), a súper-Putin, al presidente de Kazajstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, al de Turkmenistán President Kurbanguly y al de Azerbayán.
Todas las fotos las encontré en el blog de Gateway Pundit.
A los iraníes les preocupa esta visita de Putin, porque piensan que Agggggggmi con tal de asegurarse su apoyo va a renunciar a los derechos que tradicionalmente reclama Irán respecto del Mar Muerto. Todo sea por la energía pacífica nuclear…
Antes de esta reunión había tenido lugar otra entre Putin y Merkel, en la que había dos temas a tratar: el energético (cómo no) y la independencia de Kosovo. Pero Merkel, que es cuidadosa y pragmática (¡me encanta!), ya le ha hecho saber que, aunque no es anti-rusa, para ella es más importante la relación con EEUU.
Otros posts interesantes en español:
La Alianza Verde-Roja se está rompiendo todavía más:
“El comunismo ha sido lanzado en la papelera de la historia como predijo el ayatolá Jomeini”, dijo Ghasemi, y añadió que la única forma de salvar el mundo era a través de un “movimiento religioso y pro-justicia”.
Pero Aleida Guevara (la hija del Ché que, junto con su hermano, han estado de visita en irán), hablando “en nombre del pueblo de Cuba”, respondió indignada. Somos una nación socialista”, dijo, y subrayó que el pueblo cubano está agradecido con la ahora desaparecida URSS. Guevara aconsejó “acudir siempre a fuentes originales y no a traducciones”. “Mi padre nunca habló de Dios. Nunca conoció a Dios. Mi padre sabía que no había una verdad absoluta”.
Seguro que los del MSV piensan otra cosa…
un cafre que contribuye regularmente en lo que podríamos definir como la mainstream media progre angloparlante; anda por la red proponiendo que países tan libres y cuya protección de la libertad es tan deseable como Rusia, Irán, Siria, Venezuela y los demás países amenazados por los estados neocons, firmen un pacto de defensa mútua.
Lo que nos faltaba…
![]() WXIA-TV |
Putin invites Iran’s Ahmadinejad for Moscow talks
Reuters - 2 hours agoVideo: Caspian Sea countries’ summit in Iran - 16 Oct 07 AlJazeeraEnglish
TEHRAN (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin invited Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Tuesday to travel to Moscow for talks, Russian news agency Interfax reported.
Putin gives support to Caspian neighbors International Herald Tribune
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From CNN:
Putin, who is in Tehran to attend a summit of Caspian Sea nations, said that he and the other leaders agreed that “peaceful nuclear activities must be allowed” in the region.
“The Iranians are cooperating with Russian nuclear agencies and the main objectives are peaceful objectives,” he said.
Russia is building Iran’s first nuclear power plant and has resisted moves by the U.S. and its allies to impose stronger U.N. sanctions against Tehran.
On Monday, U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates reiterated the Bush administration’s stance that “all options” must be kept “on the table” in confronting the threats posed by Iran — a reference to the option of using military action against the long-time U.S. adversary.
“We should have no illusions about the nature of this regime or its leaders — about their designs for their nuclear program, their willingness to live up to their rhetoric, their intentions for Iraq, or their ambitions in the Gulf region,” Gates said in a speech to the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs.
And he says this after he agreed with Sarkozy in saying that iran has a nuclear weapons' potential. He had also agreed with Bush in the same issue.
The importance of the summit is great, but not only because of the main target of this meeting, but also because of the consequences that can have for Iran. The first is the loss of the rights Iran has been claiming over the Caspian Sea, which Iranians are fearing are going to be given away by Aggggggmi and the Ayatollahs to ensure Russian support.
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The Sharia Hypocrisy @ Kamangir.
Kremlin claims Putin a target on Iran visit @ CNN.
A spokesman for Iran’s foreign ministry, Mohammad Ali Hosseini, denied any such plot had been uncovered, characterizing the news as disinformation spread by Iran’s adversaries.
“These sort of reports are completely baseless and in direction with psychological operations of enemies of relations between Iran and Russia,” Hosseini said in a statement.
Former communist bloc to bypass Russia on oil needs @ DW.
Putin, Merkel Meet in Shadow of US-Russia Chill @ DW.
“For Putin, the most important thing will be evening the scales with regard to the latest draft of the European Commission in terms of protecting their market from foreign competition,” Peskov told the German press agency DPA.
The commission is considering the introduction of a tough reciprocity clause for energy relations with third countries.
“Of course, Russia is looking for equal conditions and fair competition for Russian companies, including Gazprom,” Peskov said ahead of the summit.
[…] Russia has denounced Western support for independence for Kosovo, the ethnic Albanian-led province which has threatened to declare independence unilaterally from Serbia unless the international community comes up with a solution by December 10.
[…] “Their relationship is normal without being friendly. She is careful and pragmatic and she never misses an opportunity to say that the United States is more important to her than Russia, although she is not anti-Russian,” Rahr told AFP.
I like Merkel very much. She is diplomatic but honest at the same time for being a politician.
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Iran is not your friend: Putin and Che’s daughter get a taste of Iranian hospitality @ Fausta.
While Russia’s fearless leader (who is the first Russian leader to visit Iran since Stalin) and the Iranian spokesman want to put lipstick on that pig of a visit, it sounds to me like the intelligence services from both countries do not mutually trust each other well enough to have kept the purported threat from becoming public.
Demanding the right to respond, Aleida Guevara told the conference that Qassemi’s claim might be based on a bad translation: “My father never mentioned God,” she said as the hall sighed in chagrined disbelief. “He never met God.”The remarks caused a commotion amid which Aleida and her brother were whisked away, led into a car and driven to their hotel under escort.
But the poop didn’t hit the fan until later in the evening, by the end of which both Aleida and her brother Camilo “had become nonpersons”, in Taheri’s words, and the Iranians had forgetten that Che was a Marxist.
The good thing is that Aleida Guevara was wearing a hijab!!!
This is not good @ Infidels are Cool.
Putin shows his true colors @ Debbie.
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Chinese mega-pipeline.
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Tags: Putin, Rusia, Russia, Iran, Irán, Jomeini, Ahmadinejad