Los compañeros de Freedom's Zone han posteado esta alerta sobre el bloguero egipcio Karim Soliman, en prisión por "insulto al Islam".
Student blogger Abdel Karim Soliman, now known as Karim Amer, who was jailed for "disdain for religion" and "insulting the president" on his blog, is reportedly being tortured by Egypt's prison authorities:
... sentenced to prison for 4 years for 'vilifying religions' and defaming the president was tortured & that was ordered and
supervised by an investigation officer in Borg Alarab prison. Karim was also ordered into a solitary cell where he was assaulted again and had one of his teeth broken; this assault's date came to mark one year since Karim was sent to jail.
Sandmonkey amplía la información
- Another inmate prisoner was brought over where they stripped
him out of clothes and beat him severely in front of prisoner Kareem Soliman as they also threatened to inflict upon him the samepunishment, if he didn't mind his own business.
y concluye:
God knows that the day of his sentencing, and I was there for the majority of the trial, the public outside were debating how he should be killed. Some were like, "he should be hanged", others were like, "No, we need to go islamic on this. Behead him.", while others demanded that people have some common sense and instead of being all barbaric with the beheading, they should "just stab him". And that's the average egyptian on the street. Imagine the people in prison's reaction. And then ask yourself: would the sadistic bastards who run our prison system think twice about torturing this guy? They might've during the trial, when the spotlight was on him. But now? Forget about it. He is fairgame, and his jailers know it.
It is to mention that Karim since he was imprisoned is subjected to a systemic discriminatory practice and maltreatment in Borg Alarb prison on the hands of the prison's officers. He mentioned to his lawyer that the maltreatment was always coupled with this phrase "This is until you do change your mind"!!
That's the message they are sending to all of us by this. Received and decoded guys. Thanks, you sick sadistic animals.
Breve resumen:
Karim Soliman, el blogger que fue condenado por insultar al Islam está siendo torturado por los policías de la prisión al grito de "Esto [lo recibirás] hasta que cambies de ideas". Incluso llevan a otros presos para que le peguen, amenazando con que si no lo hacen, les pegarán a ellos.
Además le han sometido a tratos discriminatorios desde que llegó a la prisión.
(+) Kamangir informa de que la bloguera iraní y activista política Arash Ashoorinia (abajo) ha sido arrestada.
“She was interrogated for over 2 hours on Saturday and was told that she is charged with disruption of public opinion, propaganda against the state, and publication of lies through … untrue news items on the site of the Women’s Cultural Center and the One Million Signatures Campaign”
Fue interrogada durante más de dos horas el sábado y se le informó de que se le acusa de desórdenes públicos, propaganda contra el Estado y publicación de mentiras a través de noticias falsas en el sitio del Centro Cultural Femenino y de la Campaña de Un Millón de Firmas".
Sobre la Campaña de Un Millón de Firmas: Iranian man fighting for women's equality sent to Evin Prison (July 18th, 2007):
Today at last Amir Yaghoubali (right) went to the jud
ge and judge ruled that he has to be moved to the Evin prison. His sister asked the judge What is Amirs crime?! Is talking with people and gathering signatures illegal? (referring to 1 million signatures campaign for gender equality and womens rights). He (the judge) asnwered Being Legal or Illegal is not the issue. The issue for me is the reason of doing this. He is man, so WHY he is active in these womens issues? He has to study and nothing more. And this man is our JUDGE! He has to learn that being a feminist or believing the equality of men and women is not dependent on being MAN or WOMAN. It depends on having a functioning mind.
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