Rusia quiere ganar la Guerra Fría 30 años después de perderla

domingo, noviembre 18, 2007

En primer lugar, ha usado la resistencia pasiva para que no puedan vigilar los observadores internacionales de la OSCE las elecciones del 2 de diciembre (no es en lo único que se parece a Chávez h/t Kate) y ha suspendido el acuerdo de control de armas que mantenía con la UE. Mientras sigue vendiendo armas a países con un dudoso o nulo respeto por los Derechos Humanos.

La Organización para la Seguridad y Cooperación en Europa (OSCE) no podrá desplegar observadores internacionales en las próximas elecciones del Parlamento ruso (Duma), que tendrán lugar el dos de diciembre, debido a las "continuas restricciones impuestas por el gobierno de Rusia".

El director de la Oficina de Defensa de la Democracia y Derechos Humanos, Christian Strohal, organismo dependiente de la OSCE, explicó en un comunicado que los continuos retrasos por parte de Moscú en la autorización y en la concesión de visados hace imposible que la OSCE esté presente. No podremos enviar a nadie, ya es demasiado tarde Esta organización pidió al Kremlin desplegar 20 expertos y 50 observadores en territorio ruso.

En su comunicado, Strohal también lamentó la falta de cooperación y apoyo de la Federación Rusa, que restringió sustancialmente los términos de la misión propuesta por la OSCE para poder estar presente durante el desarrollo de las elecciones a la Duma del próximo mes de diciembre. "No podremos enviar a nadie, ya es demasiado tarde para poder desplegar eficazmente nuestra misión en territorio ruso", aseguró la portavoz de la Oficina de Defensa de la Democracia y Derechos Humanos, Urdur Gunnarsdottir.

Putin se sale con la suya y la OSCE no podrá supervisar las elecciones a la Duma -

A esto se añade el anuncio de Putin de romper el acuerdo de no proliferación de armas con la UE (del que ya hablé aquí), en un intento más de Putin de dictar la agenda a la UE.

Pero lo más preocupante sin duda es la venta a Irán de un avanzado torpedo:


The Shkval rocket powered torpedo was developed by Russian weapons researchers at facilities in Kyrgyzstan, or Kazakhstan and the technology was transferred with the knowledge of Moscow and those governments, said the unclassified report by the U.S. Open Source Center, an intelligence unit that analyzes foreign news media.

The government-owned facilities connected to the Shkval development program had continuing contacts with Iran, and likely cooperated with illicit arms dealers to transfer the weapon or its documentation, the report said.

The report stated that published reports revealed that an international consulting firm called FarWest provided Iran with Shkval documents.

Iran’s navy in April 2006 conducted a test of a high-speed torpedo capable of moving underwater at speeds up to 100 meters per second.

The torpedo was assessed to be an Iranian version of the Shkval-E. Video of the test was widely reported in the West and the Pentagon discounted the development as Iranian propaganda.

El torpedo Shval es un misil autopropulsado que fue desarrollado por los investigadores rusos en las instalaciones de Kyrgystan o de Kazakhsta y su tecnología sólo puede ser transferida con el conocimiento (y añado yo: con el consentimiento) de Moscú y de los demás gobiernos implicados, según el estadounidense Centro Open Source, una unidad de inteligencia que analiza los medios de noticias extranjeros.

Dichas instalaciones tuvieron contactos continuos y directos con Irán y cooperaron seguramente con comerciantes de armas ilegales para transferir el arma o su documentación, según el mismo informe.

El informe señala que los informes publicados revelaron que una empresa de consulting internacional llamada FarWest le entregó a Irán los documentos del Shkval.

La armada iraní en abril del 2006 hizo un test de un torpedo de alta velocidad capaz de moverse por debajo del agua a una velocidad de hasta 100 metros por segundo.

El torpedo es una versión iraní del Shkval-E. Un vídeo con le test fue mostrado en los principales MSM mundiales y el Pentágono lo rechazó como "propaganda iraní".

Rusia ya ha vendido armas a otros muchos países de la zona, como Irán:

  • Israel humbled by arms from Iran. (16/August/2006).Outside one of the town's two mosques (Lebanon) a van was found filled with green casings about 6ft long. The serial numbers identified them as AT-5 Spandrel anti-tank missiles. The wire-guided weapon was developed in Russia but Iran began making a copy in 2000.
  • Top US officials voice concern about Syria WMD capability. May 2003. A CIA report issued April 10 also states that “Russia and Syria have approved a draft cooperative program on…civil nuclear power” that “[i]n principal [sic]…provides opportunities for Syria to expand its indigenous capabilities, should it decide to pursue nuclear weapons.” Bolton expressed concern that Syria might be pursuing a nuclear weapons program in an April 15 interview with Arms Control Today. “I’m not saying they’re doing anything specific,” Bolton said. “I’m just saying it’s a worrisome pattern that we’ve seen.” The CIA report also states that it “is highly probable that Syria…is continuing to develop an offensive [biological weapons] capability.”

Siria. Wikipedia: Russia and the Arab-Israeli conflict: includes:

  • Russia-Hamas talks, 2006.
  • Russian list of international terror groups (excludes Hamas and Hizbullah). Yury Sapunov, the top official of Russian Federal Security Service in charge of fighting international terrorism, said that the list "Includes only those organizations which represent the greatest threat to the security of our country." [18]
  • Contacts with Hizbullah.
  • Russian Technical, Military and Diplomatic Aid to Iran.

Other interesting links:

  • Russia defends weapons sales to Syria. (24/September/2007).
  • Russian FM says weapons sales to Syria strictly controlled. (27/June/2007).
  • Russian suicide journalist investigated Syria and Iran weapons. (6/March/2007). Ivan Safronov, a correspondent for Russian business daily who died recently in what is seen as a suicide, had been investigating a prepared deal to supply Russian weapons to Syria and Iran and received threats from Russian state security service, the Kommersant daily reported on Monday.Safronov died on March 2 after tumbling five floors from the stairwell of his Moscow apartment building. The daily also said that before a trip to the international weapons fair in United Arab Emirates Safronov told his colleagues that he was going to check the information about new deals to supply Russian weapons to the Middle East — the sale of the Su-30 jets to Syria and S-300V surface-to-air missiles to Iran. ¡¡¡Qué apropiado!!!
  • Israel concerned about possible weapons' deal between Russia and Syria. (2/March/2007).
  • Russia weapons diverted by Syria to Hizbullah. (6/Feb/2007). [link in German].
  • Russian weapons go to Syria and Venezuela. (24/August/2007).
  • The Russian-Syria connection. (March 2005): Russia, and its predecessor the Soviet Union, have supplied Syria with the following armaments that play a role in Syrian power projection: surface to air missiles, surface to surface missiles, tanks and armored personnel carriers, small arms. [...] By supplying arms and diplomatic support, Russia sustains the Syrian government and the continued Syrian presence in Lebanon which is in violation of UNSCR 1559/2004. Russian arms are used to violate human rights in both Syria and Lebanon. These same Russian arms are supplied to terrorists and insurgents who attack US forces and Iraqi civilians in Iraq and who conduct terrorist operations against Israeli civilians.
  • Russia, Syria work super-weapons deal. (21/January/2005). 
  • Syria's weapons of mass destruction. May 2002. For a host of reasons, both economic and political, Russian arms manufacturers have been actively marketing upgraded weapons systems to Syria.

También ha vendido armas a Venezuela:

Russian Arms in Latin America @ Defense&Security.

According to the U.S. Congressional Research Service, between 1998 and 2001, Russia supplied $300 million worth of arms to the region. Between 2002 and 2005, that amount doubled. Last year, Russian arms transfers to Venezuela alone topped $3 billion dollars. Russia's other arms clients in the region include Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Argentina, Ecuador and Uruguay. 
The Washington-based Council on Hemispheric Affairs says Moscow's military sales to Venezuela include air-defense systems and fighter aircraft, along with a joint-venture weapons factory to produce up to 50-thousand rifles a year. 
The Council's director, Larry Birns, says Russia's emergence as a major arms supplier to the region coincides with efforts by some Latin American countries to modernize their arsenals. 
"In the aftermath of the military regimes in Latin America, the military needs of these countries suffered periods of plummeting budgets and marginal status within society. Now the time has come in a number of Latin American countries to renew their military arsenals. And here is Russia with top-of-the-line military equipment, which is much cheaper than [arms] available from the United States or other international arms suppliers," says Birns. 
Birns says
increased arms exports will likely provide Moscow with greater influence over a number of militaries in the region. At the same time, he says, the United States is being pushed out of an arms market it once dominated.

Hmm... países que incrementan su influencia en la región: China y Rusia. Países que disminuyen su influencia en la región: EEUU y España.

Putin @ Russian spy: deliveries of Russian weapons are focused exclusively at increasing the capability of the countries receiving them, and at maintaining their stability and safety.

Las ventas de armas rusas tienen como objetivo exclusivo incrementar la capacidad de los países que las reciban, y mantener su estabilidad y seguridad. Putin dixit.

Así que se ve por qué titulé el post así. Rusia quiere que otros le hagan el trabajo sucio. Como ya hizo en la Guerra de los Seis Días en los años 70.

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