Os deseo a todos una Feliz Nochebuena y un Feliz Día De Navidad. Especialmente a los que me lo han deseado a mí: Chesk, El Cerrajero, Elentir, Luis y Schwan.
I am wishing all of you a very Happy Christmas. Specially to those of you who have wished them to me previously (thanks!): Chris, Debbie, plodon and The Bosun.
(Autor del dibujo: Ferrándiz -me encantan sus dibujos -).
A Chaim y a Cruzcampo, como son judíos, les agradezco sus buenos deseos.
Davidson: Illegal Immigration Burdens My State and the Nation
By Jeff Davidson, The data related to Hispanics in North Carolina is
revealing. Of 11.3 million state residents, 1.3 million are Hispanic, based
on 2019 ...
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