Rechazado el recurso de Duch, uno de los jémeres rojos

lunes, diciembre 10, 2007

Duch, el Jémer Rojo que estaba encargado de una de las peores cárceles de Camboya (S-21), había recurrido aduciendo que sus derechos humanos habían sido violados porque ha estado 8 años en la cárcel sin juicio. El recurso ha sido rechazado porque podría escaparse o amenazar a los testigos que todavía quedan en libertad si se le deja libre. Han añadido que su seguridad también puede verse amenazada por los familiares de las víctimas que busquen venganza.

Al Jazeera:

A United Nations-backed tribunal in Cambodia has rejected an appeal by the former Khmer Rouge prison chief against his continued detention.

Passing their ruling at a special court in the capital Phnom Penh on Monday, the panel of judges ruled that Kaing Guek Eav, also known as Duch, might try to flee the country or threaten witnesses if he were set free ahead of his trial.

The former boss of the notorious S-21 torture and interrogation centre is awaiting trial on crimes against humanity, expected to begin next year

Duch's defence lawyers had argued last week that he should be freed because his human rights had been violated by the more than eight years he has already been in jail without trial.

But prosecutors said that Duch's release would pose a threat to public order in Cambodia, and he could attempt to escape justice by fleeing the country.

They argued that he should remain behind bars for his own safety because he could be harmed both by "accomplices wishing to silence him and by the relatives of victims seeking revenge".

Anteriores posts:

  1. Otro Jémer Rojo arrestado.
  2. Arrestados más líderes de los Jémeres Rojos.
  3. "I'm innocent", says Khmer Bother No.2 at trial.
  4. Khmer Rouge no.2 to tell all at trial.