Cuban blogger censored by Raúl Castro is accused of being paid by CIA

jueves, mayo 29, 2008

Sobre Yoani, la autora de Generación Y, ya había escrito antes: Bloguera cubana censurada por el régimen comunista cubano. Pues bien acaba de ser acusada de estar a sueldo de la CIA. Para más información podeis ir a Martha Colmenares | Acusada Yoani S�nchez la bloggera cubana de estar al servicio de la CIA y Cuba Independiente. Lo peor es que según parece la acusación se inició en un foro del periódico español El País, acusación que después fue borrada. Recordemos que hace escasas semanas se le concedió el premio Ortega y Gasset.
Yoani, a Cuban blogger who is the author of Generación Y, a blog written in Spanish which tries to describe the reality she sees in Cuba nowadays and which was censored by the Cuban dictatorship some weeks ago, has now been accused of being paid by CIA:
That is not a debate blog, that is a blog where all the scum against Cuba meets. Yoani is lucky, she has all those people there united and not walking aroung the net. I accuse Yoani of being linked to elements of CIA, specifically to Montaner, the true owner of that blog, I accuse her of being linked with terrorist elements who live in Europe, Montaner and I accuse of fulfilling the editorial policy imposed by Montaner, the true owner…
As Laz tells us, this menaces probably have caused Yoani to moderate the comments in her blog, as it has been full of insults as a result of this accusations.