Conflict in Sudan spreads to Eastern Chad

sábado, marzo 03, 2007

Fron Relief (HT: Eye on the World, from MNM):

The conflict in Darfur has spread to eastern Chad. Several thousand people have been killed. Thousands of women and girls have been raped. Entire villages have been pillaged and destroyed and their inhabitants have been forcibly displaced. Eastern Chad is in the grip of a human rights and humanitarian crisis, which has caused the mass exodus of entire populations.

Who is responsible for these terrible abuses? The main perpetrators are militias known as the Janjawid, some of whom come from Sudan, some from Chad, along with other Chadian armed groups.

The climate of insecurity is increasing tensions between communities considered to be "arabs" and communities considered "non-arabs". At the same time, Sudan and Chad accuse each other of sponsoring, harbouring and arming opposition armed groups. Relations have deteriorated to the point that, on 28 November 2006, the government of Chad declared that it was in a "state of war" with Sudan.

This comes as the Janjaweed are massing to the north of el-Geneina, the capital of Sudan's West Darfur state, an African Union military source said on Tuesday, corroborating a U.N. report.

For an idea of what is going on in Darfur -with the complicity of the rest of world in a war that IS a war for oil in all its extension, with the active participation of PetroChina, ABB. Ltd, Sinopec, Tatneft, Total SA, Marathon Oil Corporation and Lundim Petroleum-, read this report (pdf), this (thanks to LGF), this, this, and, of course, the best blog on Darfur crisis, Sudan Watch.

Precisely, from this blog I am linking the reality of the AU (African Union) mission. The African soldiers there have not being paid, at least from the last 3 months and there are some of them who haven't from 6 months. At the same time they are subject of continous attacks from locals:

who are even menacing them of death.

Ingrid, the blogger from Sudan Watch, has ended blogging in protest for this situation.

As I wrote before, two Sudanese officiales have been charged with genocide. Sudanese Interior Minister have threatened to BEHEAD any person who attemps to arrest them and take them to the ICC.

But in Spain, there will be demonstration critizising -just guess...- Israel, because of this summer war with Hizbollah, and USA, because US strategy is not producing any good both in Iraq and Afghanistan. Pardon me, but Afghanistan does not have the blessing of the UN? Is not Spain there? So, why is a US strategy? What are the rest of us doing in Afghanistan? Do we have a plan for that country? Isn't the UN responsible for the disaster? Isn't also responsible for this our Government?

And wasn't the Government insisting that Afghanistan was no war? That it was only an humanitarian mission?

This demonstration has been presented by the Director of the National Library, Rosa Regás, actress Pilar Bardem -that not a lot of days ago called "son of a bitch" to a journalist from a TV that has critisized her for giving a white rose to a Batasuna's lawyer- and Socialist Zerolo, the man who has done a political carrier of being homosexual.

This is not the first they do in this term against Israel and in favor of the "right to resistance of the Palestinian people". Chesk wrote about another one, held last year, and added some photos:

No more Holocausts (the symbools are clear).

About Darfur, Chinese prisoners, Kareem's freedom or homosexual repression in Islamic countries, for example, nothing of course...

[By the way, there is a Jihadist upsurge in Lebanon (HT: MNM) The incoming Jihadists are from Sudan and Yemen and probably there would be more attacks on Israeli people AND on UN forces].


El conflicto en Darfur se ha extendido al Este de Chad. Varias personas han sido asesiandas. Miles de mujeres y niñas han sido violadas. Pueblos enteros han sido sometidos al pillaje y destrozados y sus habitantes obligados a desplazarse. El Este de Chad está en el borde de una crisis humanitaria y de derechos humanos, que ha costado ya el éxodo a poblaciones enteras.

¿Quién es el responsable de estos abusos terribles? Los principales perpetradores son las milicias conocidas como "Janjaweed", algunos de los cuales han venido de Sudán, algunos son del propio Chad, junto con otros grupos armados de Chad.

El clima de inseguridad está incrementando las tensiones entre los considerados árabes y las comunidades no-árabes. Al mismo tiempo, Sudán y Chad se acusan mutuamente de patrocinar, dar cobijo y armar a los grupos armados opositores. Las relaciones se han deteriorado hasta el punto de que, el 28 de Noviembre de 2006, el gobierno de Chad declaró que estaba en guerra en Sudán.

Esto lo dice Amnistía Internacional, entidad no sospechosa de apoyo a Bush, precisamente.

Mientras, nuestros imbéciles "intelectuales", el PSOE e IU han vuelto a convocar a la gente para una manifestación contra la guerra de Irak y la de Afganistán el 17 de Marzo. No, no es lo que parece: se manifestarán contra Israel por la guerra del Líbano y contra la "estrategia USA" en las guerras de Iraq y de Afganistán. Lo de la estrategia USA en la guerra de Afganistán me ha dejado helada. Vamos a ver: ¿no es una guerra auspiciada por la ONU? ¿Y la ONU no tiene nada que decir? ¿Y el resto de los países que están en la coalición? Entre ellos, el nuestro...

Por otro lado, ¿no habíamos quedado que no era una guerra? ¿Que estábamos allí en "misión humanitaria"?

¿O es que los americanos malosos están en guerra y nosotros vamos en misión humanitaria?

Y no, sobre Darfur, los disidentes chinos, la libertad para Kareem o la represión homosexual en los páises islámicos, de eso ni se habla...

[Por cierto, que hay un aumento exponencial de jihadistas, provenientes de Sudán y de Yemen, principalmente, en el Líbano. Se espera un aumento en los ataques a Israelíes Y a las fuerzas de la ONU].

Related posts:

Sudan, the UN ambassador, the rebels: why it is necessary a general denounce of the silence of the MSM on the Darfur crisis?

Chinese prisoners' sons, Tibetans murdered and Chinese geopolitical importance.

Chinese PM launches Africa tour.

Technology disputes and weapons sales.

Chinese weapons sales.

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