Before 14:00: very high turnout at French elections: 34,11%. Le Salon Bleu:
A la même heure, ce taux avait été respectivement de 26,2%, de 29,6%, de 28,5% et de 30,2% lors des quatre précédents scrutins présidentiels de 2002, 1995, 1988 et 1981.
Reuters: Sarkozy camp confident as French vote in election.
Selon des premiers sondages recueillis à la sortie des urnes, Nicolas Sarkozy est donné gagnant (53-55%).Le candidat de l’UMP devance largement la candidate socialiste.
A Paris, le parti socialiste vient de confirmer à l’agence de presse suisse ATS la défaite de Ségolène Royal (46%).
IHT: Sarkozy wins elections in France. 53-47.
His comfortable victory could give Sarkozy's Union for a Popular Movement party
the momentum to win a majority in Parliament in June, cementing his power to
implement far-reaching reforms in Europe's third-largest economy. He wants the
French to work more and pay lower taxes.
Well, just in case, all the votes have not been considered, so we will have to wait. Although the fact that Royal has recognised in a specch her defeat can be considered as a sign that this result could be the definite.
If Sarko wins, French singer Johny Halliday is going to sing in the victory's celebration.
I love NYT. They are sooooo idiot that I laugh every time I read the news: Forget Who’ll Win in France. Change Is a Loser. Isn't it lovely???
It was the French, after all, who first observed, “the more things change, the more they remain the same.”
“I have the impression that things will move, yes. But will France resemble Britain? No,” said Michel Winock, a French historian, referring obliquely to Margaret Thatcher’s 1980s showdown with British unions and the eventual economic boom her policies helped bring. “We have traditions, attitudes, an attachment to social welfare and, even if change is desirable, we won’t accept change overnight.”
A Jérusalem, Julien Dray s’emporte, par Haaretz (Israël, 06/12)“C’était un moment très embarrassant. La scène : un salon de l’hôtel du Roi David à Jérusalem. Les acteurs : le porte-parole de Ségolène Royal Julien Dray et un représentant du CRIF, Conseil représentatif des institutions juives de France.
“Je n’ai rien à vous dire!”, déclare Julien Dray avec véhémence au représentant juif stupéfait. “Vous avez vendu votre âme à l’autre bord ; nous n’avons rien à voir avec vous. Retournez chez votre ami Nicolas Sarkozy, c’est votre propriétaire”.Le représentant CRIF a essayé avec toute sa force de convaincre Dray que son organisation prennait une position absolument objective en ce qui concerne la course à la présidentielle. Mais Dray a persévéré dans ces attaques.
“Vous allez payer chèrement pour votre rassemblement unilatéral”, a-t-il crié en sortant. “Ségolène sera présidente et vous devrez prier pour qu’elle vous reçoive“.”
¿Qué? Hay envidia ¿eh? Mira que tener que tener envidia a los gabachos ;))).
Com uma participação, à qual não se poderá chamar de “anormalidade democrática“, o monstro parece bem posicionado para ocupar o Eliseu. Será caso para dizer: a beleza não é fundamental.
- Go over to an Englishman's Castle and horrify yourselves: no playground at school. My goodness, yes, give right to vote to the Apes!!! And please, don't allow some politicians to vote...
- At the same time in the Netherlands: Imprisoned and sentenced criminals will be able in the future to fulfill their punishments at home. Makes sense. Uaghhhh!!! Officially, we are going NUTS!!!
Talking about no-brain politicians, do you know that @#€@# Spanish Communist leader Llamazares -a profound adorer of dictator Castro- is the 1st Spanish politician to have a personality in Second Life? The news say that he is going to explain his politics to the people through the virtual world. I wonder if he considers that a sign or something...
- The Afghan Talibans have extended their ultimatum on the life of the kidnapped solidarity worker till the end of the vote.
Technorati tags:
France, French elections, Royal, Sarkozy, The Netherlands