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Riots continue in Paris after Sarkozy wins.
Spanish press roundup:
Continúan los incidentes en Francia tras la victoria de Sarkozy - 20minutos.es
Los disturbios en Francia dejan un total de 270 detenidos y 367 coches quemados | elmundo.es
En total 270 personas fueron detenidas y 367 coches quemados. Según las cifras del balance cerrado a las 6.00 hora local (4.00 GMT) por la Dirección General de la Policía Nacional (DGPN), de ese total de coches incendiados, 172 fueron destruidos en la región de Ile-de-France, de ellos menos de una decena en París.Riots in France produce 270 detained and 367 burned cars.
Radicales Libres: ¿Contra quién va ese elogio? In this post it's described how Zapatero greeted Sarkozy's victory:"the leader of the UMP represents an open and modern right able to drive the longing for change in a country which is called to regain the self-confidence". Hmm, yes, of course, now Sarkozy is a wonderful man, just in case he does not agree with you in immigration and anti-terrorist matters...
¿Contra quién va ese elogio? decía Unamuno, advirtiendo la incapacidad de los españoles para alabar sin segundas a nadie. Zp pertenece a esa estirpe y ni siquiera en un acto tan institucional como la felicitación a nuevo jefe de estado electo es capaz de omitir su revanchismo, al decir que el líder del UMP "representa a una derecha abierta y moderna capaz de encauzar el anhelo de cambio de un país llamado a recuperar la confianza en si mismo". Conocemos lo suficiente al personaje para constatar que, al elogiar así a Sarkozy, menospreciaba implícitamente al Partido Popular.
Batiburrillo: España-Francia: Aversión y regocijo "Rajoy must take into account that in France has been blown up that false myth of the left is always the winner when the turnout is big. And absurd myth that has never had taken into account the high abstention, for example, of the non-nationalists in the Spanish Autonomous Communities' elections and in their different statutory referenda".
Por otra parte, y espero que Rajoy haya tomado buena nota, en Francia ha saltado por los aires ese falso mito de que la izquierda siempre gana cuando el porcentaje de votantes es muy alto. Un mito absurdo que jamás ha tenido en cuenta la alta abstención, por ejemplo, de los no nacionalistas en todas las elecciones autonómicas y sus respectivos refrendos estatutarios. Un mito al uso del perdedor —pongamos el centrista Piqué— que en Cataluña ya había sido desterrado cuando Vidal-Quadras, nuestro Sarkozy despilfarrado en labores europeas, demostró que era posible llegar a la gente con un lenguaje claro y firme, que incluyese tanto la denuncia de la política indigna como la exaltación de los valores más apreciados desde siempre. Quizá por eso mismo sigue en Europa.

como la izquierda no sabe perder, lo mejor es mandar a los esbirros a la calle (vía Calle 1440)para hacer realidad las amenazas de la Royal.
Left: the riots in Nantes.
Right: Anti-riot police in La Place de la Concorde.
Anyway, don't panic: the number of burned carns have not being so abundant as in other nights. The National General Direction of the Police have said that the numbers were not very bigger than the ones burned in the last National Day (July, 14th, 2006) or the ones who are being registered on the Dec. 31st. During the 2005's riots more than 1000 cars were burned each night.
La Razon | Digital
El triunfo de Sarkozy o un mensaje de esperanza para quienes abominan de la izquierda hipócrita - elConfidencial.com
Disturbios tras la elección de Sarkozy | elmundo.es
Le président Sarkozy est à Malte And Sarkozy is in Malta for relaxing. Looks like he is going to need it, viewing what is waiting for him
dans la cité de l'amour.
Bastille: intervention de la police
Blue Star Chronicles: France elects a new President Nicholas Sarkozy and Burns Again.
Publius Pundit has an excellent round-up of blogs.
The ASTUTE BLOGGERS write the Joos win again, about Sarko winning the Presidence.
Gateway Pundit: Sarkozy's Islamophobia May Be Cause of French Rioting Yes, and they quote the part in which he said that NO BURQA and NO POLIGAMY in France...Anyway, don't panic: the number of burned carns have not being so abundant as in other nights. The National General Direction of the Police have said that the numbers were not very bigger than the ones burned in the last National Day (July, 14th, 2006) or the ones who are being registered on the Dec. 31st. During the 2005's riots more than 1000 cars were burned each night.
La Razon | Digital
La DGPN comentó que esas cifras fueron sólo algo superiores a las de destrucción de vehículos en la Fiesta Nacional del 14 de julio de 2006, y estuvieron por debajo de las que se vienen registrando en los últimos años en Nochevieja. Durante los disturbios que estallaron en Francia en el otoño de 2005, algunas noches más de 1.000 coches fueron pasto de las llamas.Sarkozy's triomph or and hopeful message for all the people who hate the hipocryte left:
El triunfo de Sarkozy o un mensaje de esperanza para quienes abominan de la izquierda hipócrita - elConfidencial.com
La victoria de Sarko está llena de lecturas, casi todas buenas, para España y para los millones de españoles que, respetuosos con la hermosa diversidad de esta gran nación de siglos, desean una España unida capaz de mirarse todas las mañanas al espejo sin avergonzarse, capaz de integrar a todos en un proyecto colectivo, capaz de convertirse en el mejor baluarte de la prosperidad y la libertad individuales. A través de un discurso duro, directo y sin complejos, Sarko ha reivindicado la vocación de una Francia que “no es de derechas ni de izquierdas, porque para mí solo hay un pueblo, el pueblo de Francia”.
Disturbios tras la elección de Sarkozy | elmundo.es
Anti-riot police in Toulouse before a barricade, built by the protesters (Foto: AP / Remy Gabalda)
Le président Sarkozy est à Malte And Sarkozy is in Malta for relaxing. Looks like he is going to need it, viewing what is waiting for him

Fin du suspense! On connaît désormais le lieu où le nouveau chef de l’Etat passera quelques jours avant la passation des pouvoirs avec Jacques Chirac prévue vers le 17 mai. Nicolas Sarkozy est arrivé lundi en début d'après-midi à Malte à bord d'un avion privé, a annoncé la télévision maltaise. L'information a été confirmé un peu plus tard par une source policière française.
Bastille: intervention de la police
Publié le 07 mai 2007 à 21h50 Bastille: intervention de la police Les CRS sont intervenus en force contre des manifestants anti-Sarkozy qui brisaient des vitrines près de la Bastille, arrestant sans ménagement plusieurs d'entre eux. Dans le rue du Chemin vert, une charge de police a permis aux forces de l'ordre d'interpeller certains des manifestants qui avaient brisé sur leur chemin une quarantaine de vitrines de magasins.The Anti-riot police intervened against demonstrators anti-Sarkozy who were breaking glasses near La Bastille, and a lot of them were arrested. In the Chemin vert St., a police charge has permitted to interview some of the demonstrators who had broken more than 40 shops' glasses.
Blue Star Chronicles: France elects a new President Nicholas Sarkozy and Burns Again.
Publius Pundit has an excellent round-up of blogs.
The ASTUTE BLOGGERS write the Joos win again, about Sarko winning the Presidence.
[...] they can all point the finger to themselves. They are all to blame, as is their socialist ideology. Socialism has had its day; socialism has brought moral decline, high unemployment rates, weak, unstable economies, huge governments, regulation in just about every area of one’s life; it has caused something called personal responsibility to disappear; it has brought moral relativism; it has learned us that we cannot be proud of our respective country; it has made large groups of people unnecessarily dependent on the government; it has forced us to accept the failed concept of multiculturalism; it has taught us (I mean Europeans in general with that) that whatever you do, you have to be politically correct; it has created an environment in which one is not allowed to name problems, let alone deal with them; it has taught us that criminals are not to blame for their crimes, society as a whole is and that they, therefore, should be coddled instead of punished… oef, the list goes on and on. Socialism has weakened France, and Europe as a whole; it is time to get rid of it.

Philippe Ridet : Les deux. Il y a dans la victoire de Sarkozy, incontestablement, une revanche de la droite qui ne s'est reconnue ni dans le septennat de Giscard d'Estaing, et encore moins dans les deux mandats de Chirac, qu'elle a trouvés, pour le premier, trop teinté de centrisme, et pour les seconds, trop inspirés par le radicalisme socialiste. Cela dit, ce succès souligne aussi l'échec de la gauche morale et bien-pensante.Je suis persuadé qu'une grande partie des électeurs ont exprimé une forme de ras-le-bol vis-à-vis du magistère moral qu'exercent la gauche, les artistes et les intellectuels en France depuis 1968. Les images de people venant défendre les expulsés de Cachan, par exemple, ou voler au secours des SDF du canal Saint-Martin, ont, selon moi, profondément exaspéré une partie du petit peuple de droite.
Summarising: "There is in Sarkozy's victory, without doubt, a revenge from the right that did not ricognise itself in the 7-year mandate of Giscard d'Estaing, and even less in the 2 terms of Chirac, that they found, very inspired by the Socialist radicalism. That said, this success underlines also the failure of the moral and bien-pensante left".
If you can understand French just consider the contempt this man has for the right, which is even agressive in the second paragraph cited.
And now, this is the Spanish joke of the Sarko moment: Mr. Zapatero -who supported Ségo and really hates Sarko, who has repeatedly voiced his admiration for the fascist-genocidal-dictatorial-Fraco-ish-.... Aznar- is a jinx for the foreign candidates: He supported Kerry saying he was going to win over Bush, and then Bush won. Then he supported Schröder and this last one lost the elections. Later he called Merkel a failure and she is German President. Later on, he went to support the European Constitution in a meeting with Chirac -when he said "L'Españ voté ui", instead of "L'Espagne a voté oui" or "Les espagnols ont supporté la Constitution"- and France overwhelmingly voted no: Blog del Movimiento Anti-ZP: ZP sigue siendo un gafe para los candidatos europeos
If you can understand French just consider the contempt this man has for the right, which is even agressive in the second paragraph cited.
And now, this is the Spanish joke of the Sarko moment: Mr. Zapatero -who supported Ségo and really hates Sarko, who has repeatedly voiced his admiration for the fascist-genocidal-dictatorial-Fraco-ish-.... Aznar- is a jinx for the foreign candidates: He supported Kerry saying he was going to win over Bush, and then Bush won. Then he supported Schröder and this last one lost the elections. Later he called Merkel a failure and she is German President. Later on, he went to support the European Constitution in a meeting with Chirac -when he said "L'Españ voté ui", instead of "L'Espagne a voté oui" or "Les espagnols ont supporté la Constitution"- and France overwhelmingly voted no: Blog del Movimiento Anti-ZP: ZP sigue siendo un gafe para los candidatos europeos
Siempre le pasa igual: cuando Rodríguez Zapatero (ZP) intenta ayudar a un candidato en plena campaña electoral, lo que hace en realidad es hundirle hasta el fondo. Pasó con Schröder y ha sucedido de nuevo con Ségolène Royal. Claro que estas cosas siguen pasando porque el socialismo español es totalmente desmemoriado, amnésico.
Sarkozy's victory is a symptom of what has really changed: A report published by the Spanish Defense Ministry says that the only leaders who could revert he "preogressive decline" of Europe are Merkel and Sarkozy. The report made by the Real Instituto Elcano and the Spanish Institute for Strategis Studies, underlines that Europe now is passing a time of "progressive decline" in which there is no strategic leadership nor leaders who could revert this situation, except German President Merkel and the French just-elected Sarkozy. It also points out that the use of WMD by terrorist groups is "more feasible", each day that passes.
El informe "Panorama Estratégico 2006-2007", elaborado por el Real Instituto Elcano y el Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos (IEEE) y editado por el Ministerio de Defensa, subraya que la Europa actual atraviesa un "progresivo declive" en el que no cuenta con "dirección estratégica" ni con líderes que puedan poner fin a esta situación, excepto la canciller alemana, Ángela Merkel, y el presidente electo francés, Nicolás Sarkozy. Además, señala que el uso de armas de destrucción masiva por grupos terroristas es "cada día más factible".
Technorati Tags: France, Sarkozy, French elections, Zapatero, Ségolène Royal, riots, French riots,