El caso del osito de peluche llamado Mahoma (III): Gibbons, condenada

jueves, noviembre 29, 2007

Hagamos primero un repaso al juicio y el clima en el que ha tenido lugar.

Parece que ha habido jóvenes que se han concentrado alrededor de la Comisaría y luego del Juzgado donde estaba Gillian Gibbons, pidiendo la pena de muerte para ella h/t IBA:

Islamic anger is at a high in the East African country of Sudan over a British teacher who let her pupils call a teddy bear Mohammed.

So high are the tempers that some Sudanese are demanding the death penalty for Gillian Gibbons.

Gibbons is currently facing the prospect of being lashed 40 times and a year in jail after being charged with insulting Islam.

She was charged after behind-the-scenes political moves to avoid a court case collapsed amid growing Islamic anger in the east African country.

A powerful Sudanese newspaper urged authorities to call a hardline Islamist leader linked to Osama bin Laden to give evidence at her trial, to stress how offensive the case was to Muslims.

Extreme Islamic groups said Mrs Gibbons "must die" and urged Muslims to hold street protests after prayers tomorrow, reports the Daily Mail.

In London, Foreign Secretary David Miliband summoned the Sudanese Ambassador, while Downing Street made it clear that Gordon Brown was 'disappointed' over the 54-year-old teacher being charged.

The Muslim Council of Britain said it was "appalled" at the decision.

Legal sources in Khartoum said it is possible the case could be dealt with in a single hearing.

One lawyer said that if Mrs Gibbons pleads guilty and makes profuse apologies, she could emerge with a "relatively minor penalty" such as a hefty fine or a jail term equivalent to the four days she has already spent in custody.

Resumiendo todo lo anterior: Un poderoso periódico sudanés ha hecho un llamamiento a las autoridades para que un líder extremista islamista con relaciones con Bin Laden (uséase, terrorista) pueda declarar en el tribunal para señalar lo ofensivo que esto puede ser para los musulmanes.

Otros grupos extremistas han dicho que la Sra. Gibbons debe morir y urgieron a los musulmanes para que protesten mañana después de los rezos, según el Daily Mail.

En Londres, el Ministro de Exteriores David Miliband (hombreeeeeeeeee, a este payoranger ya lo conocemos....) llamó al embajador sudanés, mientras que se ha dejado claro que Gordon Brown estaba "muy descontento" con que se acuse a la profesora.

El Consejo Musulmán británico ha dicho que estaba "consternado por la decisión". [Eso mientras esperan al 2040 que es cuando habrá mayoría musulmana y podrán aplicar la Sharia, según las proyecciones de la Oficina Nacional de Estadística inglesa].

Atención a la noticia en Reuters:

A British teacher accused of insulting Muslims after her class called a teddy bear Mohammed appeared in court in Khartoum on Thursday as Sudanese authorities whipped a man outside the courthouse.

Mientras ella aparecía ante el tribunal en Jartún este jueves, las autoridades sudanesas daban de latigazos a un hombre fuera del tribunal.

Eso para que se animase ante la perspectiva...

Más información:

The Sudanese ambassador, Omer Mohamed Ahmed Siddig, leaves the Foreign Office in London today after meeting with David Miliband. [Atención al peaso sortijón que tiene el payoranger...].

Mrs Gibbons, a former deputy head in Liverpool, moved to Khartoum in August to fulfil her dream of teaching abroad after her marriage broke down last year.

The mother of two grown-up children was arrested on Sunday after parents were said to have complained she had insulted Islam's prophet by naming a teddy bear Mohammed as part of a class project.

However, a boy of seven came forward on Tuesday to say it was "all his fault", as he and his classmates at the Unity High School had voted to call the bear Mohammed after his own name.

He insisted his teacher had not intended to insult Islam.

Mrs Gibbons technically faces three charges - insulting Islam, inciting religious hatred and contempt for religious beliefs - each of which carries a maximum penalty of 40 lashes and a year in jail. But it is believed she will stand trial on only one.

Abdul Daem Zumrawi, the Justice Ministry's undersecretary, said: "What will be applied is at the discretionary power of the judge."

Mrs Gibbons's former husband, Peter Gibbons, 54, said last night that he and their children Jessica, 27, and John, 25, had been horrified at the news that she had been charged.

Como dice AlphaPatriot:

British schoolteacher Gillian Gibbons has a kind heart. She has to. After all, volunteered to go to war-torn Sudan to teach children. She just wanted to help.

Y ser un corazón amable le va a costar una condena. No me extraña que su ex-marido y sus hijos estén horrorizados.

Al final ha sido considerada culpable de insultar al Islam, aunque la pena es menor que la que se pidió. "Sólo" 15 días de prisión y luego será deportada:

Gillian Gibbons, 54, from Liverpool, has been sentenced to 15 days in prison and will then be deported.

She had been accused on three counts of insulting religion, inciting hatred and showing contempt for religious beliefs.

The Foreign Office said it was extremely disappointed by the verdict. Her lawyer says she will now appeal.

Si yo fuera ella, no interponía ningún recurso. No vaya a ser que encima le aumenten la condena como ya pasó con la de la violación en grupo en Arabia Saudí.

El Congreso Islámico Americano ha condenado a Sudán por la sentencia a la profesora británica h/t American Thinker.

Así que Miliband ha vuelto a protestar frente al Embajador de Sudán y a pedir que la dejen en libertad:

Mr Miliband summoned Omer Siddig to the Foreign Office in London on Thursday and told him that the UK wanted to see her released immediately.

“I explained to him that we were very concerned by the case,” Mr Miliband said in a statement after the meeting. “We believe that this was an innocent misunderstanding.

"Esto ha sido sólo una falta de entendimiento inocente".

Sorprendentemente, algunos británicos consideran que la profesora se merece esta condena h/t LGF. La conclusión a la que llega el blogger Mike es:

What's interesting is that while a few of the commenters [at the BBC site] who say they're Muslims are condemning Mrs Gibbons, or falling back on the 'Western foreign policy' excuse, the majority are either suggesting that she made a simple mistake, and should be treated leniently, or are condemning the Sudanese outright – "Stop hijacking the religion!" pleads Adil in Singapore.
By contrast, virtually all of the comments attacking Mrs Gibbons, and making excuses for Islamic extremism, are from people living in Britain, with a few from the US and elsewhere in Europe, and who, judging by their names – Louise, Graeme, Mike, Mary, Suzanne, George – are natives of those countries, and very probably white.

Resulta que los musulmanes que escriben en su mayoría dicen que sólo cometió un error y o bien que debe ser tratada con indulgencia o directamente condenan al Gobierno sudanés (muy pocos se refieren a la política occidental o la condenan), los que son ingleses u occidentales en general (al menos de nombre), prácticamente todos atacan a la profesora.

Estos occidentales no pueden ser más idiotas...

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