Via Vicki, llego a un interesantísimo post de Tammy Bruce:
Ha habido protestas por el trato recibido por Gibbons (la maestra inglesa en Sudán que dejó que sus alumnos llamaran Mahoma a un osito de peluche), de todo el mundo prácticamente, excepto de las "feministas" americanas. Muchos grupos musulmanes en el Reino Unido han condenado la sentencia. Incluso el famoso niño de la clase de la Sra. Gibbons, que sugirió el nombre salió a defenderla, explicando que llamó al oso como él.
Pero cuando han sido entrevistadas por FOXNEWS para que condenaran la situación, una Organización de Mujeres dijo que "no iban a hacer ningún comentario ni a tomar partido".
Así de depravada ha llegado a ser la izquierda americana. Un chico pequeño en Sudán tiene más valentía y convencimiento en relación a una mujer que está bajo fuego enemigo que un montón de mujeres sentadas en Washington DC, que se pavonean de ser las primeras "abogadas" de las mujeres.
[...] Su vil silencio no se limita a la situación de Gibbons. En Arabia Saudí una víctima de una violación en grupo ha sido sentenciada a 200 azotes y seis meses de prisión. ¿Por qué? Porque cuando fue violada estaba violando la Ley Sharia por estar con un hombre que no era un familiar. Su sentencia fue incrementada cuando se atrevió a apelar la sentencia.
¿Qué es lo que han hecho NOW o Feminist Majority en respuesta a este ultraje obsceno? El mismo silencio que con Gillian Gibbons.
No digo mi opinión porque quedan retratadas ya con lo que se ha dicho. Que cada uno saque las conclusiones que quiera.
Por cierto, aquí tampoco he oído nada sobre este caso de ciertos individuas...
Thanks to Vicki, I reach a magnificent article by Tammy Bruce:
There has been appropriate international outrage over the treatment of Gibbons, from virtually everyone except American “feminists.” Multiple Muslim groups in the U.K. have condemned the sentence. Even the popular little boy in Mrs. Gibbons’ class who suggested the name for the bear came to her defense, explaining that he named the bear after himself.
Yet, when asked by FOX News for a comment about the situation, a National Organization for Women spokeswoman said they were "not putting out a statement or taking a position."
This is how depraved the American left has become. A little Muslim boy in Sudan shows more courage and conviction for a woman under fire than a bunch of women sitting in Washington, D.C., who preen themselves on being the premiere “advocates” for women.Their vile silence isn’t limited to the Gibbons situation. In Saudi Arabia, a gang-rape victim has been sentenced to 200 lashes and 6 months in prison. Why? Because when she was raped, she was violating Sharia law by being out with a man who was not a relative. Her sentence was actually increased when she dared to appeal her sentence.
What has NOW’s and the Feminist Majority’s response been to this obscene outrage? The same silence offered to Gillian Gibbons.
By the way, I haven't heard anything about this from the same people in recent times...
Posts relacionados:
- La profesora Gibbons, perdonada.
- El osito Mahoma.
- El caso del osito de peluche llamado Mahoma (III): Gibbons, condenada.
- El caso del oso de peluche llamado Mahoma (II).
- 40 azotes o seis meses en la cárcel.
Sobre la víctima de violación condenada a 200 latigazos después de apelar:
- Saudi rape lawyer threatened @
- When we will get serious about Saudi Arabia? @ Betsy's Page.
- Saudi gang rape victim in danger of "honor killing" from own family @ Infidels are Cool.
- SAudi rape ruling puts Govt in defensive @ Yahoo! News AP.
- Saudi rape victim speaks out @ A Tangled Web.
- Rape victim's sentence spurs calls for Saudi reform @ IHT.
- Men are Human, Women are NOT, Got That?¡?¡? @ Freedom. Hmmm....
- Dan Abrahams Attacks The Saudis on MSNBC @ The Augean Stables. Abrams’ piece highlights the plight of women in Saudi Arabia, saying the can’t drive, can’t vote, and can’t work without the permission of a male relative. Abrams also points out the recent Saudi release of terrorists, the Saudi Foreign Minister’s refusal to shake Olmert’s hand in Annapolis, and the fact that 41% of foreign terrorists in Iraq are Saudi.
- Saudi Foreign Minister on gang-rape victim's sentence: "This things happen" @ HotAir.
- Saudi rape victim "having an affair" @ BBC News. Saudi justice officials say a woman who was sentenced to prison and flogging after she was gang-raped has now confessed to an extramarital affair. Claro, y como ha confesado (habrá que ver el interrogatorio...) que tenía un romance extramatrimonial, la pueden violar... La BBC, ¡qué liberal! ¿no?
- Bush refuses to Condemn Saudi Court's Punishment of Gang Rape Victim @ h/t Digg.
- Saudi women furious at gang-rape ruling @ IBA.
- Bush Disappointed in Saudi Arabia Over Rape Case Decision @ VOA.
- Saudi rape victim is crushed, says husband @ CNN. He blames the judge: "Even when he pronounced the sentence, he said to her, 'You were involved in a suspicious relationship, and you deserve 200 lashes for that,' " he said. The judge dismissed her lawyer, Abdulrahman al-Lahim, after the two clashed in court, he said. "The judge took things personally and was reacting to our lawyer, who's a known human rights activist," the husband said. "The judge undermined the lawyer, decreased his role and then dismissed him from the case altogether. The judge simply couldn't work with our lawyer."
- Saudi Arabia defends the indefensible @ No More Spin.