Autobiografía de Bhutto: "Mandaron al hijo de Bin Laden a matarme"

lunes, febrero 04, 2008 - Bhutto Autobiography: Bin Laden's Son Killed Me - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News:

"Former Pakistan Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto names the 16-year-old son of Usama Bin Laden as the leader of one of four gangs of “designated assassins” sent to kill her in a posthumous autobiography excerpted in The Times of London on Sunday.

Bhutto, who was assassinated as she left a rally in Rawalpindi in December, revealed she was warned by both President Pervez Musharraf and a “friendly Muslim government” that Hamza Bin Laden was planning her murder.

The naming of Bin Laden’s teenage son appears to bolster intelligence claims that Hamza is being groomed as a future leader of Al Qaeda.

In her new autobiography, Bhutto writes: “I was told by both the Musharraf regime and the foreign Muslim government that four suicide bomber squads would attempt to kill me. These included, the reports said, the squads sent by the Taliban warlord Baitullah Mehsud; Hamza Bin Laden, a son of Osama Bin Laden; Red Mosque militants; and a Karachi-based militant group.”

Last September Hamza was described in reports as a senior Al Qaeda leader who had been waging jihad in the lawless tribal areas along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border."
¿Porque declaró que Bin Laden había muerto asesinado?

Because she declared that Bin Laden had been killed in an Al-Jazeera's interview?

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