Caricaturas de Mahoma: los musulmanes insisten en una legislación "contra el insulto religioso y por el respeto mutuo de las religiones"

miércoles, marzo 05, 2008

Y seguimos...

Reverse_Vampyr: Religion of Peace update: "Scholars" demand international dhimmi laws

More "tolerance" from the Religion of Perpetual Outrage, er, Peace.

Via the Yemen Observer:

behead.jpgThe re-publication of the Prophet cartoons by seventeen Danish newspapers last week was denounced by Muslims the world over. The controversy is not one of press freedom, but rather it feeds cycles of hatred and ignorance which only increase the gulfs between religions, according to the Prime Minister, Dr. Ali Mohammed Mujawr, in a support meeting organized by the Al-Eman University last Monday calling for defending the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH).

In his speech, Mujwar called for an international law that criminalizes religious insults and enforces mutual respect of religions, calling on all rationalists in the West to avoid such negative acts. “This can only increase the instability in relations among Islamic and Western nations,” said Mujwar.

I wonder if book burnings would help restore stability in relations among Islamic and Western nations?

La publicación de las caricaturas de Mahoma por diecisiete periódicos daneses la pasada semana fue denunciada por musulmanes por todo el mundo. La controversia no es sobre la libertad de prensa, si no que alimenta el círculo de odio e ignorancia que incrementará las distancias entre religiones, según el Primer Ministro Alí Mohammed Mujawr, en un encuentro de apoyo organizado por la Universidad de Al-Eman el pasado lunes en apoyo del Profeta Mahoma.
En su discurso, Mujwar pidió una ley que criminalice los insultos religiosos y refuerce el mutuo respeto por la religión, llamando a los racionalistas de Occidente a evitar estos actos negativos. "Esto sólo incrementará la inestabilidad en las relaciones entre las naciones islámicas y occidentales", dijo Mujwar

Insisten en su idea de la resolución de la ONU sobre "la ley sobre la difamación de las religiones", votada a favor por países que respetan taaaaaaaaaanto la religión como China, Corea del Norte o Cuba... Y es que, claro, ya estamos tardando en aprobar leyes para que los odiados "racionalistas" no podamos criticar a los extremistas fundamentalistas... de cualquier religión (incluyendo los ecolojetas, que ya veremos qué pronto pasan a exigir este tratamiento porque ellos tienen la súper-verdad total...).

Pero no ha sido lo único que ha ocurrido respecto de las caricaturas... el Vaticano ha apoyado al Islam en este asunto tal y como describe BlogBis. In English IBA.

Asimismo hay que añadir que católicos y musulmanes se van a reunir con el Papa, em lo que se ha calificado de encuentro histórico:

Muslim representatives and Vatican officials begin talks this week that they hope will lead to an unprecedented Catholic-Islamic meeting.

Five representatives from each side will meet on Tuesday for two days in Rome to work out the details of a larger meeting that will include Pope Benedict later this year.

“We have to bring the dialogue up to date following the great successes of the pontificate of John Paul II,” said Yahya Sergio Yahe Pallavicini, vice-president of the Italian Islamic Religious Community.

Esto no me gusta un pelo... Entiendo que la Iglesia Católica no quiera que critiquen a sus símbolos sagrados, pero esto es dispararse en un pie, porque al final toda crítica al Islam va a ser considerada "de odio racial", mientras que los insultos al catolicisimo no van a disminuir. La prueba es que, a pesar de que la cristofobia/cristianofobia existe como sentimiento tanto en Europa (más aquí) como en América, no se le presta ninguna atención. Curiosamente, su raíz es común con la judeofobia: esto es, si se odia a los judíos, normalmente se odia también a los cristianos. En el último link, la conclusión es estremecedora:

All of the above is just a long-winded way of saying that people always struggle for power and control of each other. Religious hatred is not about religion or ethnicity, but power. If religions provide power, people will fight and kill each other for it. If a group is seen to lack power, people who have less power than they feel they deserve will kill members of that group, or encourage others to do so, in order to feel more powerful. Today, newspapers like the New York Times and others are drifting toward advocacy of a new type of religious hatred: conflict between secularists and Christians. In view of the tragic history of past religious conflicts, they are playing with fire.

Ciertamente. Penoso, pero cierto... :(

Otros links interesantes:

Miss Kelly : "Have We Decided to Accept Violence as a Legitimate Response to Humor?"

"Have we as a society decided to accept violence as a legitimate response to humor? Somehow we have managed to rationalize incursions upon our fundamental freedoms as small exceptions for comfort. Which calls for more fear: a two-dimensional drawing or a mob of violent protesters?"

"There is nothing inherently threatening about the commentary, but there is in the disproportionate reaction to it. Without more heroic defenses of our freedom to criticize religious extremism in the face of violence, we may lose the ability to criticize anything at all. If we should not judge another society by the standards of our own, then neither should we be held to modify our societal freedoms by the standards of another. Just as Zank believes we should not incite hatred in the 'guise of supporting free speech,' I submit that we cannot curtail freedom in the name of tolerance."

YouTube Banned in Pakistan Citing Outrage Over Geert Wilders and Danish Toons [updated & bumped]

Pakistan has blocked access to the popular YouTube website because of content deemed offensive to Islam.

Its telecommunications authority ordered internet service providers to block the site until further notice.

Reports said the content included Danish cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad that have outraged many.

But one report said a trailer for a forthcoming film by Dutch lawmaker Geert Wilders, which portrays Islam in a negative light, was behind the ban.
[...] Other countries that have temporarily blocked access to YouTube include Turkey and Thailand.

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