Persecución cristiana: semana del 26 de noviembre

sábado, diciembre 01, 2007

Como la semana pasada (aunque con retraso) aquí dejo la newsletter de International Christian Concern.

Article One

11/23/07 Indonesia (AsiaNews) Enraged Muslims Attack Domestic Church in West Java - Dozens of angry Muslims took another harsh action against a local house church in Bandung, West Java. The fresh violence took place as dozens of local Christians gathered to hold a Sunday service. According to Pastor Obertina, "They forced entry - and then destroyed everything, threatening me." This area is known for its numerous cases of violence against the so-called "illegal churches." Full Story

For more general information please go to ICC's webpage on Indonesia.

Musulmanes enrabietados atacan una iglesia doméstica en el Oeste de la isla de Java. Docenas de musulmanes enfadados realizaron otra acción brutal contra una casa-iglesia local en Bandung, Oeste de Java. La violencia se producjo cuando docenas de cristianos locales iban al servicio dominical. Según el pastor Obertina, "Forzaron la entrada, destruyeron todo, amenazándome".El área es conocida por los numerosos casos de violencia contra las llamadas "iglesias ilegales".

Article Two

11/24/07 Iraq (AsiaNews) The Fears and Hopes of Iraqi Christians - This story is actually a message from Louis Sako, the Chaldean bishop of Kirkuk, Iraq. While acknowledging that "Christians at home or among refugee communities are going through an emotional rollercoaster," Sako writes that "about a thousand Iraqis are making the trek home from Syria - many are Christian families. Once shut down churches are now reopening." Though the future is far from certain, the return of many Christians is encouraging. Full Story

For more general information please go to ICC's webpage on Iraq.

El Obispo caldeo de Kirkuk, Iraq escribe un mensaje diciendo que "Cristianos de aquí o de las comunidades de refugiados están pasando por una montaña rusa emocional. Pero aproximadamente mil iraquíes están haciendo el viaje de vuelta desde Siria y muchos son cristianos. Las iglesias que se cerraron ahora vuelven a abrirse. Aunque el futuro es incierto, la vuelta de muchos cristianos nos anima".

Article Three

11/24/07 China (AsiaNews) Chinese Priest Sentenced to Three Years - Father Wang Zhong, from the diocese of Xiwanze, Hebei was sentenced to three years in prison for organizing the celebrations of the consecration of a church in Guyuan, despite that the Religious Affairs Bureau had issued a valid building permit for the church. In this area, the police have for months waged a campaign against priests and bishops from the underground church. Full Story

For more general information please go to ICC's webpage on China.

El Padre Wang Zhong, de la diócesis de Xiwanze, Hebei, ha sido sentenciado a tres años de prisión por organizar las celebraciones de consagración de una iglesia en Guyuan, a pesar de que la oficina de Asuntos Religiosos había dado un permiso válido para construir una iglesia. En este área, la policía ha llevado a cabo una campaña desde hace meses contra los sacerdotes y los obispos de la iglesia prohibida.

Article Four

11/26/07 Philippines (BosNewsLife) Philippines Government "Killing" Christians, World Council of Churches Says - The World Council of Churches has accused the Philippine government of being involved in "extra-judicial killings" and other mistreatment of Christian workers. Among believers murdered by government-backed forces were several church activists and pastors who allegedly supported opponents of President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo's administration. Full Story

For more general information please go to ICC's webpage.

El Consejo Mundial de las Iglesias ha acusado al gobierno filipino de estar inolucrado en "asesinatos extra-judiciales" y otros malos tratos de trabajadores cristianos. Entre los creyentes asesinados por fuerzas que tienen apoyo gubernamental hay varios activistas eclesiásticos y obispos que presuntamente apoyaban a oponentes del Gobierno de la Presidenta Gloria Macapagal Arroyo.

Article Five

11/26/07 India ( Indian Bible Students Beaten for Preaching "Foreign Religion" - Two Bible college students have been lauded for their Christ-like response to the savage beatings they endured from a mob of anti-Christian extremists in India's Haryana state earlier this month. Students Vijay and Soman witnessed to the leader of a Hindu radical group, and in response the young men were beaten and dragged through the street. Full Story

For more general information please go to ICC's webpage on India.

Dos estudiantes de universidad han sido aclamados por su respuesta tan cristiana a la salvaje paliza de que fueron objeto por una turba de extremistas anti-cristianos en el estado de Haryana al principio de ese mes. Los estudiantes Vijay y Soman hicieron su profesión de fe ante el líder de un grupo radical hindú, y en respuesta los jóvenes fueron golpeados y arrastrados por la calle por predicar una "religión extranjera".

Article Six

11/26/07 Pakistan (ICC) Business Manager Murdered for His Faith in Lahore - Riaz Shahid, 51, the only Christian employed in a higher managerial position at Imperial Chemical Industries, was murdered by unidentified person(s) at his house in Bahar, a huge Christian neighborhood in Lahore. According to a source, Shahid had worked at the company for about 20 years and had just received a promotion. His family suspects that he was murdered on the basis of religious hatred by his Muslim colleagues, based on several items left at the scene. Full Story

For more general information please go to ICC's webpage on Pakistan.

Riaz Shahid, de 51 años, el único cristiano empleado en alto puesto de dirección en las Industrias Químicas Imperiales ha sido asesinado por una o varias personas no identificadas en su casa de Bahar, un barrio cristiano de Lahore. Según las fuentes, Shahid había trabajado para la compañía durante 20 años y acababa de ser ascendido. Su familia sospecha que fue asesinado por odio religioso por sus colegas, basándose en varios objetos dejados en la escena del crímen.

Article Seven

11/28/07 Indonesia (AsiaNews) After 40 Years a Catholic Church in West Java Forced to Close - A group of Muslims with the backing of police and local politicians forced the Catholic parish of Christ's Peace Church to stop all religious activity. Again, the pretext was that the church did not have a legal permit to build a place of worship, despite the fact that church activity has existed since 1968. This is one of a growing number of churches in Indonesia that are being closed down.
Full Story

For more general information please go to ICC's webpage on Indonesia.

Un grupo de musulmanes con el apoyo de la policía y de políticos locales ha obligado a la parroquia católica llamada la Iglesia de la Paz de Cristo a parar toda actividad religiosa. Otra vez, el pretexto es que no tenía permiso legal para actuar, a pesar de que la iglesia llevaba en funcionamiento desde 1968. Esta es una de las cada vez más numerosas iglesias que se han visto obligadas a cerrar en Indonesia.

Article Eight

11/28/07 China (BosNewsLife) China Detains Managers of Australian Company for Spreading Christianity - Three senior employees of an Australian-owned multi-million dollar bio-engineering company in China's Guangdong province have been detained and their company closed over allegations of involvement in "illegal" Christian activities. Daniel Ng, a founder of the company, urged President Hu Jintao to intervene and said their company only wants to help poor peasants in the region.
Full Story

Tres directivos de una compañía de bio-ingeniería de varios millones de dólares, con capital australiano, han sido detenidos y su empresa cerrada por acusaciones de estar involucrados en actividades cristianas "ilegales". Daniel Ng, un fundador de la compañía, pidió al Presidente Hu Jintao que intervenga y dijo que su empresa sólo quiere ayudar a los campesinos pobres de la región.