Fundamentalistas hindúes y musulmanes y las dictaduras comunistas, todos ellos persiguen a los creyentes de las distintas Iglesias en el mundo. Pero lamentablemente, la persecución de unos recibe mucha atención de los medios y de la blogosfera y la de otros no.
(March 7, 2008) The Washington-DC based human rights group, International Christian Concern (ICC) has just released our annual Hall of Shame report on our website. The Hall of Shame is our list of the world's 10 worst persecutors of Christians based on news reports from the previous year. We publish this annual report to bring attention to the plight of persecuted Christians around the globe.
While ICC believes in religious freedom for all religions, our mission is especially to help Christians. There are more than 200 million Christians worldwide who live in countries where there is overt social or governmental anti-Christian hostility. This hostility is expressed in various forms, from harassment, job discrimination, and imprisonment, to rape, torture, and assassination.
Even though Christians are one of the largest religious groups persecuted for their faith, their plight is almost entirely ignored by the mainstream media. It is troubling that a human rights issue of this magnitude is so often ignored.
In the period covered by this report (December 2006 - December 31, 2007), Christians continued to experience severe persecution for their faith on an alarming scale. Several trends of note were:
1. A crackdown on house churches in China in the lead up to the Beijing Olympics,
2. A continuing campaign by radical Muslims to exterminate Christians from Iraq, and
3. An escalation of radical Hindu attacks against Christians in India, which culminated at the very end of 2007 with a series of mob attacks on Christians villages in the state of Orissa.
The countries on the list are: North Korea, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, China, Pakistan, Eritrea, Egypt, India, Laos, and Indonesia.
Jeremy Sewall, Policy Analyst for ICC, said, “It is our hope that this Hall of Shame report will help motivate persecuting countries and leaders to take concrete action to uphold religious freedom for all their citizens. In the meantime, we hope that this report will be a useful tool for policymakers and fellow advocates to put even greater pressure on those countries that continue to flagrantly violate the most fundamental human right of religious liberty.”
Please click here to view the report.
El último boletín del International Christian Concern incluye los siguientes ataques a cristianos:
Anteriores posts sobre el tema:
Article One
3/3/08 Laos (Center for Public Policy Analysis) Samak Blasted Over Laos Killings: Attacks on Hmong in Thailand, Laos- The visit of Thai Prime Minister Samak to Laos has been condemned by Washington-based Lao and Hmong organizations due to the increased Lao and Vietnamese military attacks on unarmed civilians. Just prior to his visit, Samak reportedly ordered his Commanders to send attack dogs after Lao-Hmong refugees to force them back into their own country. Christian Lao and Hmong have been targeted for years by the Laotian government and it appears that the religious persecution is beginning to reach new heights. Full Story.
For more general information please go to ICC's webpage on Laos.
La visita del Primer Ministro tailandés, Samak, ha sido condenada por las organizaciones americanas con delegaciones en Laos y Hmong por los crecientes ataques por los militares a civiles desarmados. Justo antes de su visita, Samak, ha ordenado a sus comandantes que suelten a los perros contra los refugiados Lao-Hmong para que vuelvan a su país. Los cristianos Lao-Hmong han sido objetivo durante años del gobierno de Laos y parece que la persecución religiosa ha alcanzado un nuevo cénit.
Article Two
3/4/08 India (Evangelic Fellowship of India) Fresh Attack in Andra Pradesh, India- On 24th February seventeen bible students were attacked in Kuraballa Kota in Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh.Belonging to an independent church, these students were distributing Gospel literature on Sunday evening, when a group led by two Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh (National Association of Self-helpers) workers, K. Raghupathi and Anand, arrived on the scene and started beating the students accusing them of conversion. poFull Story.
For more general information please go to ICC's webpage on India.
El 24 de febrero diecisiete estudiantes de la Biblia fueron atacados en el distrito Kurabilia Kota Chittoor de Andhra Pradesh. Pertenecientes a una iglesia independiente, estos estudiantes estaban repartiendo literatura de los Evangelios el domingo por la noche, cuando un grupo dirigido por dos trabajadores de la Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh (Asociación Nacional de Auto-Ayuda), Raghupathi y Anand, llegaron al lugar y comenzaron a pegar a los estudiantes, acusándolos de "conversos".
Article Three
3/3/08 China (ChinaAid) 70 House Church Leaders Detained in Shangqui City, Henan Province- On February 18, 20 policeman raided a Bible training class of 250 believers and detained 80. 10 were released and 70 remain in detention. Three minors who were released on the 29th have also been imprisoned again to serve 15 days detention. Full Story.
For more general information please go to ICC's webpage on China.
El 28 de febrero, 20 policías entraron a hacer una redada en una clase de enseñanza de la Biblia en la que estaban 250 creyentes y detuvieron a 80. 10 fueron dejados libres y 70 permanecen detenidos. Tres menores fueron detenidos el 29 para ser detenidos e ingresar en prisión de nuevo castigados con una pena de 15 días de detención.Article Four
3/4/08 India (CompassDirect) Communits Rulers Target Christian Schools in Kerala- Communists and Christians can be best of pals in defending against the onslaughts of Hindu nationalism, but their differences over Christian educational institutions surge to the fore where the leftists rule – as has just happened in Kerala state. A government body in the southern state of Kerala has recommended banning of religious worship and use of religious inscriptions on the walls in private schools that receive assistance from the state. Full Story.
For more general information please go to ICC's webpage on India.
Los comunistas y los cristianos pueden ser los mejores amigos defendiéndose de las matanzas del Nacionalismo Hindú, pero sus diferencias sobre las instituciones de enseñanza cristianas se agudizan donde los de izquierdas gobiernan - como acaba de pasar en el Estado de Kerala. Un órgano del Gobierno de Kerala ha recomendado prohibir el culto religioso y el uso de inscripciones religiosas en las paredes de escuelas privadas que reciban asistencia del Estado.
Article Five
3/5/08 India (ANS) GFA Missionary Kidnapped in Assam, India- Gospel for Asia missionary Haresh Kujur was kidnapped Saturday night as he was leading a youth service in his church in Assam, India. An anti-Christian extremist group in the area is thought to be responsible for the kidnapping. Full Story.
For more general information please go to ICC's webpage on India.
Gospel for Asia ha informado de que el misionero Karesh Kujur ha sido secuestrado el sábado por la noche cuando estaba dirigiendo el servicio religioso de su Iglesia en Assam, India. Un grupo extremista anti-cristiano del área parece ser el responsable del secuestro.Article Six
3/6/08 Iraq (CompassDirect) Ransom Deadline for Archbishop Today- Kidnappers have set today as the ransom deadline for the release of an Iraqi Archbishop abducted last week, a church leader said. The unidentified captors also added new conditions for the release of Archbishop Paulus Faraj Rahho, said Kirkuk Chaldean Archbishop Luis Sako.Rahho, 65, was kidnapped last Friday (February 29) at approximately 5:30 p.m. while leaving the Holy Spirit parish in Mosul, 225 miles north of Baghdad. Full Story.
For more general information please go to ICC's webpage on Iraq.
Los secuestradores del Arzobispo cristiano-caldeo han fijado la fecha límite para el rescate, según un líder eclesial. Los secustradores no-identificados también han añadido nuevas condiciones para la liberación del Arzobispo Paulus Faraj Rahho, según el Arzobispo caldeo de Kirkuk Luis Sako. Rahho de 65 años, fue secuestrado el pasado viernes (29 de febrero) a las 5:30 aproximadamente cuando salía de la parroquia del Espíritu Santo en Mosul, a 225 millas al norte de Bagdad.
Article Seven3/6/08 North Korea (TIME) North Korea Executes 15 Refugees- Only a week after the concert of the New York Philharmonic, North Korea again showed its true face on Wednesday by publicliy executing 15 of its citizens attempting to escape its borders. Full Story.
For more general information please go to ICC's webpage on North Korea.
Sólo una semana después del concierto de la Filarmónica de Nueva York, Corea del Norte ha mostrado de nuevo su verdadero rostro ejecutando publicamente a 25 de sus ciudadanos por intentar escapar por sus fronteras.
La comunidad Zebelina: los coptos de EL Cairo que sólo pueden reciclar basura.
Catalonia: license required to pray.
Persecución cristiana: semana del 9 de diciembre.
El libro negro de la persecución cristiana.
Persecución cristiana: semana del 26 de noviembre.
Persecución cristiana: semana del 19 de noviembre.
Technorati Tags: persecución cristiana, Christian persecución, religious fundamentalismo, fundamentalismo religioso, radicales hindúes, Hindu radicals, islamismo, communism, islamism, comunismo, India, Corea del Norte, North Korea, Iraq, Irak, Arzobispo Paulus Faraj Rahho, China, Laos, Tailandia, Thailand