¿Alianza pro-nuclear entre Irán y Arabia Saudí? - Pro-nuclear alliance between Saudi Arabia and Iran?

sábado, noviembre 03, 2007

Me han jorobado alegrado el día:

Saudi Arabia today revealed details of an ambitious offer to Tehran, aimed at defusing the growing crisis over Irans controversial nuclear programme.

Speaking at the end of the state visit to London by King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, his Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal said that every effort must be made to avert what many fear could turn into a military confrontation between the United States and Iran.

Washington and Tehran again attacked each other over the issue today.

[...] Prince Saud said that to defuse the row, Saudi Arabia and a consortium of Arab Gulf states had invited Iran to produce enriched uranium jointly, where the plant could be properly monitored by international observers.

We have proposed a solution, which is to create a consortium for all users of enriched uranium to do it in a collective manner that would distribute (nuclear fuel) according to need, he said. We hope the Iranians will accept this proposal.

He said that the proposed plant would be built in a neutral third country, like Switzerland.

Jihad Watch: Saudis to Iran: Let's enrich uranium together, in Switzerland!

¿Suiza? ¿Ese país tan aplaudido porque han ganado los anti-inmigración, tanto que los xenófobos españoles han copiado para su campaña el cartel? Rolling on the floor ¿Y ahora van a enriquecer uranio para los pacíficos iraníes y suníes que sustentan y financian el "jihadoterror"? Claro, claro, para que me den dinero los moretes sí estoy, aunque luego exploten a ciudadanos de otros sitios (incluidos suizos).

Y entonces van y dicen:

Ulrich Schluer, a Swiss People's Party legislator said rising crime rates, concern over terrorism and the increasing drain on the national budget to support poor immigrant families have drawn more voters to the Swiss People's Party.

"Preocupación por el terrorismo". Venga yaaaaaaa. Waiting Unos dimmis completos, si aceptan esto. Que se sepa, por el momento, no han protestado.

Pero lo mejor fue su campaña anterior:

Another poster showed a picture of Osama bin Laden on a Swiss identity card with the caption, "Don't be fooled."

Maravilloso, ¿no? Bin Laden/Agggmi/Abdalá son buenísimos si me dan dinero, lo que haga con los servicios que yo le presto no es de mi incumbencia. Phbbbttt

Por cierto, que Arabia Saudí había estado muy callada porque temía a un Irán con bomba atómica. Pero, si consigue esto de mi querido Aggggggmi (todavía hay que regalarle el bono de peluquería), será una de las pocas veces en las que los suníes y los chíies se han puesto de acuerdo en algo. Vamos que consigue la cuadratura del círculo gracias a los "pacíficos" y "defensores de los valores europeos" suizos.

Si los países europeos tuvieran un mínimo de dignidad y la alianza llegara a hacerse realidad, deberían suspender relaciones internacionales con Suiza pero ya. Este tipo de operaciones en pleno corazón de Europa son lo mismo (o peor) que las actividades de los "pacíficos imanes" de la religión de la paz perpetua, una vez que te han matado, claro.

Por cierto, que el rey Abdalá ha dejado Londres y ¿a que no sabeis dónde ha ido en visita privada? A Suiza. Jejeje.

Los únicos que lo han deshechado han sido los rusos que construyen varias centrales nucleares en Irán, diciendo que debe tener la "aprobación internacional". Juas, juas, ¿la misma que tiene Natanz?


This move is very dangerous if confirmed and accepted by all parties (specially if it's accepted by Switzerland). Something which looks like as very probable after the "private visit", Abdullah has made to Switzerland, about whose content nothing has been said. Not only it would place a nuclear site for ecnriching uranium (clearly not for peaceful pruposes, then) in the middle of Europe, in a country which nowadays is still proud of the "banking secret" (would they let foreigners enter their site? Not very probable), but it will achieve a union between a Sunni and Shiite State, both sponsors of Jihado-terror.

If this is all the new "anti-immigration" party is going to do for fighting JIhadoterror, it would be better if it just stops doing something at all. But, of course, poor immigrant criminals who would kill and maim Swiss people would cost Swiss some money in prisons and in compensations for the victims. But Abdalá and Ahmadinejad, who are financing the brutal and indiscriminate murder of all the victims of Jihadoterror would pay in dollarsBig Hug, wouldn't they?

Elevated principles. Money Eyes

Related news:

  1. Russia raps Saudi atomic fuel proposal for Iran: RIA @ Reuters.
  2. Abdullah, 83, left London for Switzerland for a private visit before continuing his European tour in Italy, Germany and Turkey, a Saudi official said on condition of anonymity because he is not authorized to speak to the media. He gave no further details.
  3. Bahrain says Iran trying to acquire nuclear weapons @ JPost. Then Saudi Arabia is also trying to acquire them.

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