ETA kills again (V) (+2)

miércoles, diciembre 05, 2007

Fernando Trapero Blázquez (right), the 23-year-old Civil Guard who was hurt by ETA terrorists, has died today in Bayona. His corpse will arrive tomorrow in Madrid.

(+) Looks like he has been dead since Sunday. His mother is extremely angry because "the Government decided to keep him alive to prevent people to get even angrier at yesterday's concentration". If that's the case, this Government couldn't fall even lower.

On the other hand a man and a woman have been detained in France and are been interrogated about the execution of the two Civil Guards. The detained terrorists (video inside) are Asier Bengoa López de Armentia, 31 year-old, and Amaia Alonso, 32-year-old.

López de Armentia was detained in 1993 because of his relationship with the kale borroka (the so-called "terrorism of low intensity", similar to the riots in France, but continued throughout the year), and in 2003 because of his collaboration with ETA; he is believed to be the responsible of the recruitement machine of the Terrorist gang in Álava.

In the moment of their detention they were armed and were carrying an important sum of money.

López de Armentia was released by Spanish judicial system a week before a judicial sentence condemned him to 7 years and six months in prison as responsible of ETA's recruitement machine. Of course, he was not caught afterwards. Waiting

The French Government has already confirmed both detained were involved in the terrorist attack.

And I say execution, because that is what ETA terrorist made these two poor lads: that is what antiterrorist experts said yesterday. "They were purely and simply executed". The ETA terrorist identified both lads in the cafeteria. And followed them when they were exiting it. Once they were out, they were surrounded by the terrorists. And they were executed inside the car. "One thing for sure, the Civil Guard who was killed there, was in the driver's seat".

Both of them were in a watchout mission, activated one month ago to follow the heads of the military apparatchik of the terrorist band. The head of the ETA commands, Garikoitz Aspiazu, Txeroki, and his immediate entourage were the objective of this mission of both the French information services(Renseignements Généraux, RG) and their colleagues of the Civil Guard.

The Terrorism Victims' Association has called for concentrations this same afternoon at 20:00 before Spanish Major's offices. They have also asked all the citizens to put Spanish flags with black laces in all balconies or windows.

Being tomorrow the Anniversary of Spanish Constitution, this death is even more dreadful.

La mirada positiva as ever: today he must appear to be strong against terrorism:

"If it's confirmed they are the perpetrators", Zapatero has repeated, "I can assure that all the law's burden will fall unto them, as the citizens and the law are asking for".

"There is no perspective of dialogue", has assured when asked about the future of the ETA terrorist band. Zapatero has underlined the need to cooperate with France and with the opposition, with which "we have to achieve unity, whatever the cost".

So now you want unity. Well, it is YOU the one who should come back to the Antiterrorist fight. And for that the first thing Socialist party should do is to revoke the Parliament resolution which allows your Government to negotiate with ETA terrorists, and the second to illegalise Basque Nationalist Action, as they have not condemned any terrorist attack.

Foreign readers: you can read a serie of post from good Spanish friend Noggia titled The False Myths Behind a Basque Nation:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. He is going to write two more.

Other news from ETA entourage:

International MSM:

Le Monde:

Le Figaro:



Related posts:

    City FM Radio:

    Los dos guardias civiles tiroteados por tres miembros de ETA el sábado en Francia constituían parte de un módulo de vigilancia de los servicios de información hispano-franceses activado hace un mes en torno a la cúpula del aparato militar.

    El jefe de los comandos etarras, Garikoitz Aspiazu, Txeroki, y su entorno inmediato eran el objetivo que desde de primeros de noviembre estrechaba el cerco del operativo conjunto formado por los servicios de información franceses (Renseignements Généraux, RG) y sus homólogos de la Guardia Civil.

    El sábado el dispositivo de seguimiento e información  fue puesto en funcionamiento alrededor del centro comercial Leclerc de Capbreton, donde se tenía información que iba a tener lugar una cita al máximo nivel del aparato militar. Los agentes se iban a desplegar por diferentes puntos con la misión de localizar un vehículo que llevaría en su interior a varios miembros de la cúpula militar de ETA. En este contexto operativo fue cuando el servició de seguridad etarra detectó la presencia de los dos guardias civiles, a los que ya tenía “marcados” desde noviembre, cuando se  realizaba el contraespionaje habitual etarra  horas antes de producirse estas reuniones del más alto nivel.

    City FM Radio:

    Los expertos antiterroristas enviados de París a la región del Pays Basque para investigar el atentado de ETA regresaron a la capital con una certeza: "Los dos miembros de la Guardia Civil fueron pura y simplemente ejecutados" por los terroristas etarras, según publicó en su edición de ayer el diario Sud Ouest, el más importante y de mayor tirada de la zona que acoge la mayor parte de la comunidad vasca en el vecino país.

    Una información de Dominique Bayle-Siot y Anne-Marie Bordes revela datos ya conocidos en España por City FM. El más llamativo es el que se refiere a las impresiones de los expertos antiterroristas sobre que el fallecido Raúl Centeno y su compañero Fernando Trapero fueron víctimas de una trampa y "purement et simplement exécutés" (pura y simplemente ejecutados)

    Según la información de Sud Ouest (el mismo periódico que publicó la entrevista con la rehén francesa secuestrada en la huida de los terroristas) los etarras identificaron a los dos jóvenes agentes dentro de la cafetería. Una vez que salieron de local fueron abordados por los dos terroristas que estaban junto a la mujer.

    En el mismo automóvil se produjeron los disparos que mataron a Raúl Centeno y dejaron gravemente herido a su compañero Frenando Trapero. La información de Dominique Bayle-Siot y Anne Marie Bordes revela otro dato importante: "Una certeza, el guardiacivil que murió en el acto se encontraba al volante".