Cataluña: el significado de la detención de los islamistas paquistaníes

miércoles, enero 23, 2008


En el 2003, el PSOE se mofó del Gobierno de Aznar por haber detenido a un puñado de islamistas en Cataluña. Algunos de sus dirigentes dijeron que todo era producto de la mente calenturienta de Aznar, contaminado por la guerra contra el terror de su amigo Bush; otros, que la operación era un montaje electoralista. A los detenidos los llamaron, para ridiculizar su detención, "el comando Dixan".
En la segunda mitad del 2004, cuando en una de sus conferencias en la Universidad de Georgetown en Washington, José María Aznar avisó de la obsesión real de Al Qaeda con Al Andalus, no tardaron en surgir la voces de la izquierda para denunciar su nueva exageración. Hasta El País, en un vergonzoso editorial, le llegó a equiparar al mismísimo Bin Laden por ver en el ideario del terrorista un peligro real para España.
Ahora, el actual ministro del interior, Rubalcaba, corre a jactarse ante las cámaras y otros medios de la detención de unos islamistas, de nuevo en Cataluña, que esta vez sí, tenían la intención de montar un gran atentado en nuestro suelo. Sus evidencias no son mucho mayores que las del famoso comando Dixan, pero sí mucho mayor el miedo del Gobierno. Si de aquí a las elecciones del 9 de marzo se produjera un atentado islamista, toda su teoría de que la culpa era de Aznar, Bush e Irak se les vendría abajo.
Aún peor, si el Gobierno ha actuado contra estos terroristas ha sido, una vez más, no por sus buenas artes, sino gracias a una alerta de un servicio de inteligencia extranjero, auténtico sujeto que disparó todas las alarmas al captar la llegada de un conocido elemento de la yihad a Cataluña. Un atentado revelaría la impericia con la que el equipo de ZP ha abordado la amenaza islamista hacia España y en España.
Dos elementos añadidos. El primero, que todo gire en torno a Cataluña no es casual. Allí la Generalitat ha primado la emigración no hispanoparlante en su política de limpieza lingüística y ahora se empiezan a pagar sus consecuencias. Sin la infraestructura de parte de la población musulmana sería imposible la recurrencia de intentos de atentados islamistas en Cataluña. Segundo, la aparición de paquistaníes en estas tramas tampoco es casual. Dos tercios de inmigrantes procedentes de Pakistán residen en Cataluña y era cuestión de tiempo que esta bolsa de pakistaníes quedara expuesta a las maléficas influencias de los radicales. Lo que pasa hoy en el Beluchistán tiene sus reverberaciones en Gerona, Granollers y otras zonas.
GEES is one of the best political think-tanks in Spain. It has done a very good analysis about the detention of the Pakistanis in Barcelona.
In 2003, PSOE (socialists) laughed about Aznar's Government because they detained several Islamists in Catalonia. Some of their leaders said that it was all a product of Aznar's heated mind, polluted by the GWOT of his friend Bush; others, that the operation was an election's ****. The detained, to ridicule the situation, were called, the "Dixan commando" [MY NOTE: as they were found to have large quantities of Dixan, a detergent, which could be used to make bombs but this data was irrelevant].
In 2004, when in one of his Georgetown's University's conferences, Aznar cautioned about the Al-Qaeda's real obsession with Al-Andalus, it was not long before people from the left denuonced a new exaggeration. Even El País, in a shameful editorial, considered that Aznar was the same as Bin Laden because of seing in the ideology of the terrorist a real danger for Spain.
Now, Socialists' Minister, Rubalcaba, is very fast to *** before the MSM about the detention of the islamists, again in Catalonia, that in this time, yes, they had the intention of **** a great terrorist attack in our soil. The evidences now are not much greater than in the famous Dixan commando, but the fear is much greater. If in the period which goes from here to the March 9th elections, an Islamist attack happens, all their theory about Aznar, Bush and Irak, being the culprits of March 11th, 2004 bombings would reveal as an incorrect one.
Even worse, if the Government has acted against this terrorist, it hasn't been because of their good arts, but because of the alert given by a foreigner intelligence service, the true subject which rang all the bells when they recorded a phone call to a known element of Jihad in Catalonia. An attack would reveal that the way Zapatero has managed the Islamist menace against Spain and in Spain has been a total failure.
Two added elements.
  1. First one, that everything happens in Catalonia is not surprising. The Autonomous Government (Generalitat) has rejected Spanish-speaking immigration in favor of non-Spanish-speaking to ensure that the people learn Catalan in a new episode of their linguistic cleaning and now they are paying the consecuences. Without the infraestructure of a part of the Muslims population, the recurrence of the terrorist attacks' plots would be impossible
  2. Secondly, the Pakistani element is also not surprising. Two thirds of the immigrants from Pakistan live in Catalonia and it was just a matter of time that this important number of Pakistanis were the target of the bad influence of radicals.
The funniest commentary From The Bosun:

Hey, Last I knew Spain elected a socialist, withdrew from the war on terror and capitulated to the Mohammedans.

What the hell are radical islamists still doing messing with Spain. The socialist government has done everything other than force conversion to Islam?

Hahahaha... Umm, well, now, Zapatero is going to negotiate with Morocco the co-sovereignty over Ceuta and Melilla... if he wins March 2008 elections.

Curiosamente, el Counterterrorism Blog relaciona el asesinato de Benazir Bhutto con la detención de estos terroristas:
There is a growing consensus in Washington DC and London that Baitullah Mehsud, a Taliban commander with links to Al Qaeda ordered Bhutto killed. Mehsud would presumably only have ordered such an attack if he felt secure in his South Waziristan strongholds. In the last week Mehsud's forces upped the ante by seizing a fort from the Pakistani army in South Waziristan. And jihadists in Pakistan have launched a wave of suicide attacks in the country in recent weeks, that have reached even Lahore in the relatively peaceful east. The Barcelona arrests, whatever the alleged cell's exact links to Al Qaeda and Pakistan-based jihadists, underscore how Al Qaeda's safe havens in Pakistan threaten the west.

The Spanish Media linked the plot to Musharraf's state visit to several European capitals this week and reported that other European countries including Britain, had been warned by the Spanish authorities of "imminent attacks."

As I wrote in a November article for the Guardian, so far it is the UK that has suffered most from the terrorist fallout emanating from Pakistan, the victim, according to the new MI5 director of a "deliberate [al-Qaida] campaign against us." Britain's high profile involvement in Iraq goes some way to explain why the country has been singled out by al-Qaeda but what makes it particularly vulnerable is the fact that 400,000 visits are made back home by its large Pakistani diaspora each year offering al-Qaeda ample recruiting opportunities
La relación proviene de que Mehsud, que es quien todo el mundo cree que ordenó el asesinato de Bhutto, se siente fuerte en su parte del Norte de Waziristán, donde la semana pasada conquistó una posición decisiva a Musharraf. Éste ha iniciado un viaje por Europa, así que todas las capitales europeas están amenazadas por "ataques inminentes". Curiosamente, los más amenazados son España (Cataluña) y Gran Bretaña, donde las comunidades de paquistaníes son numerosas.

Sobre el peligro que para Gran Bretaña suponen los paquistaníes ya escribí con anterioridad. Y sobre la jihad en Cataluña también: las células de Al-Qaeda en Cataluña y Jihad Online: Islamists rising in Spain, supporters rising in Catalonia. (All links are in Spanish and English).

I was forgetting: international readers, go over to Kate and read this post about Spanish non-existent position in the world. The article inside is written by well-known Spanish specialist on strategic studies, Florentino Portero. It's a MUST READ to see what Zapatero is doing here....

Last news are that two of the accused have been freed (link en español). No details about why they were freed are given in the news, though.